Here is the example I got from C++ Primer ver5 Chapter 16:
template <typename U, typename F=std::less<U>>
int compare(const U& v1, const U& v2, F f = F())
if (f(v1, v2)) return -1;
if (f(v2, v1)) return 1;
return 0;
I am a little confused of the usage here:
typename F=std::less<U>
Based on my understanding, typename F
refers to F
is a kind of type here, how could we assign a function object std::less
to it? If so, does it mean I can also do sth like auto F = std::less<U>;
or typedef F std::less<U>
Or maybe should I consider it as using F = std::less<U>
how could we assign a function object std::less to it?
is not a function object, but a class type that acts as a function object type. See e.g. the reference at