I am using Sol Cerberus to manage the access to my Solana program, but I don't know how can I call my instruction in javascript to test the access using an NFT collection.
For instance this is my Solana program:
use sol_cerberus_macros::rule;
pub mod sol_cerberus_demo {
use super::*;
#[rule(Stats, View)]
pub fn view_stats(ctx: Context<Add>) -> Result<()> {
How can I execute view_stats
in my web3 application using an NFT to authenticate the request?
You have a good example in the docs. For instance if you have created the role "Authorized"
and assigned it to your NFT collection address "MY_NFT_COLLECTION_MINT_ADDRESS"
in the SC Manager, then you can do something like this:
{PublicKey} from '@solana/web3.js';
const solCerberus = new SolCerberus(connection, myWallet, {appId: new PublicKey("PASTE_YOUR_SC_APP_ID_HERE")});
await solCerberus.fetchAllRoles()
await solCerberus.fetchPerms()
await solCerberus.login({
nfts: [
new PublicKey("MY_NFT_MINT_ADDRESS"),
if (solCerberus.hasPerm("Stats", "View")){
try {
await yourAnchorProgram.methods
...(await solCerberus.accounts("Stats", "View")), // Fetches the requires SC accounts
} catch (e) {
// If user is not authorized, you can easily catch the error and inform the user:
if (solCerberus.isUnauthorizedError(e)) {
alert("Not authorized!")
If you don't know in advance NFT addresses, you can easily fetch them following Solana's cookbook example.