When I use the PrintServer class in c#, I get the print queues as well as the print jobs, but with an iR-ADVC3525 or with other physical printers, the result of printJob.HostingPrintQueue.CurrentJobSettings.CurrentPrintTicket.PageMediaSize.PageMediaSizeName.ToString()
is always ISOA4
. Even when I define the ISOA3
or other format.
I tried to set my physical printer preferences to A3. So printJob.HostingPrintQueue.CurrentJobSettings.CurrentPrintTicket.PageMediaSize.PageMediaSizeName.ToString()
is ISOA3
However, I want to retrieve information from the print spooler and not from the preferences
I've tried with Microsoft Print to PDF
(virtual printer used to create PDF) and I get the ISOA3 format when I define it.
Here's my code that iterates over print jobs:
public void CatchJobs()
PrintServer printServer = new PrintServer();
PrintQueueCollection printQueues = printServer.GetPrintQueues();
foreach (PrintQueue printQueue in printQueues)
if (printQueue.GetPrintJobInfoCollection() != null)
PrintJobInfoCollection printJobs = printQueue.GetPrintJobInfoCollection();
foreach (PrintSystemJobInfo printJob in printJobs)
Job job = new Job(printJob);
if (printJob.JobStatus.HasFlag(PrintJobStatus.Printed) && !Jobs.Contains(job))
lock (Jobs)
Here's the constructor of my Job class:
public Job(PrintSystemJobInfo printJob)
Name = printJob.Name;
Status = printJob.JobStatus.ToString();
Owner = Environment.UserName;
Priority = printJob.Priority.ToString();
TimeSubmitted = printJob.TimeJobSubmitted;
Color = printJob.HostingPrintQueue.CurrentJobSettings.CurrentPrintTicket.OutputColor.Value.ToString();
DriverName = printJob.HostingPrintQueue.FullName;
JobId = printJob.JobIdentifier;
// Problem HERE
string? paperSize = printJob.HostingPrintQueue.CurrentJobSettings.CurrentPrintTicket.PageMediaSize.PageMediaSizeName.ToString();
// End problem
PaperSize = paperSize is null ? "format inconnu" : paperSize;
double? paperLenght = printJob.HostingPrintQueue.CurrentJobSettings.CurrentPrintTicket.PageMediaSize.Height;
double? paperWidth = printJob.HostingPrintQueue.CurrentJobSettings.CurrentPrintTicket.PageMediaSize.Width;
PaperLength = paperLenght is null ? 0 : Math.Round((double)paperLenght * _pixelSize);
PaperWidth = paperWidth is null ? 0 : Math.Round((double)paperWidth * _pixelSize);
TotalPages = printJob.NumberOfPages;
can you help me?
I hope this solution will work with an iR-ADVC3525
or other physical printer.
With a Brother MFC-L8690CDW
series printer, using managementObject
from System.Management
I get the right information with this constructor:
public Job(ManagementObject printJob)
Name = printJob["Name"].ToString();
Status = printJob["Status"].ToString();
Owner = printJob["Owner"].ToString();
Priority = printJob["Priority"].ToString();
TimeSubmitted = ManagementDateTimeConverter.ToDateTime(printJob["TimeSubmitted"].ToString());
Color = printJob["Color"].ToString();
DriverName = printJob["DriverName"].ToString();
JobId = int.Parse(printJob["JobId"].ToString());
PaperSize = printJob["PaperSize"].ToString();
PaperLength = double.Parse(printJob["PaperLength"].ToString()) / 10;
PaperWidth = double.Parse(printJob["PaperWidth"].ToString()) / 10;
TotalPages = int.Parse(printJob["TotalPages"].ToString());
to get the ManagementObject, i do this:
public void CatchJobs()
string statusToCheck = "OK"; // Remplacez "Printed" par le statut recherché
ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT * FROM Win32_PrintJob");
ManagementObjectCollection printJobs = searcher.Get();
foreach (ManagementObject printJob in printJobs)
string status = printJob["Status"].ToString();
if (status.Equals(statusToCheck, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
Job job = new Job(printJob);
if (!Jobs.Contains(job))
lock (Jobs)
catch (ManagementException e)
Console.WriteLine("Erreur : " + e.Message);