I am learning OCaml and working my way through the advent of code 2022.
But it seems that reading the input.txt
file is causing some issue.
I am getting this strange error, that comes from the func score
. Particularly the expression call scorer hd
. Though, when I manually set the lines
variable to a list string
, everything works.
The error occurs here inside the func scorer
| hd :: tail -> score_helper tail scorer (scorer hd + acc)
let read_lines filename =
let contents = In_channel.with_open_bin filename In_channel.input_all in
String.split_on_char '\n' contents
let lines = read_lines "input.txt"
let score input scorer =
let rec score_helper input scorer acc =
match input with
| [] -> acc
| hd :: tail -> score_helper tail scorer (scorer hd + acc)
score_helper input scorer 0
(* Gets called on every row, returns the score value *)
let scorer s =
let theirs =
match String.sub s 0 1 with
| "A" -> "X"
| "B" -> "Y"
| "C" -> "Z"
| _ -> assert false
let ours = String.sub s 2 1 in
let played =
match ours with "X" -> 1 | "Y" -> 2 | "Z" -> 3 | _ -> assert false
let result =
match (theirs, ours) with
| "X", "Y" | "Y", "Z" | "Z", "X" -> 6
| theirs, ours when theirs = ours -> 3
| _ -> 0
played + result
let () = Format.sprintf "Part 1: %d" (score lines scorer) |> print_endline
The problem is revealed by inspecting lines
# lines;;
- : string list = ["A X"; "B Y"; "C Z"; ""]
Note the last element: ""
! You most likely want to ignore this empty line.
A simple way to handle this case is to ignore this blank lines in the score
let score input scorer =
let rec score_helper input scorer acc =
match input with
| [] -> acc
| "" :: tail -> score_helper tail scorer acc
| hd :: tail -> score_helper tail scorer (scorer hd + acc)
score_helper input scorer 0