My C program has three threads A
, B
, and C
that share some buffers. Each buffer is protected by a mutex, and each thread has to lock the mutex before writing/reading a buffer.
writes the buffers, and B
and C
reads the buffers. The main function creates A
, waits until it locks the first buffer with pthread_mutex_lock()
, and then creates B
and C
, so that the buffers are always written before being read.
#define mutex_lock(mutex, buff_num) log("wait on buff[%d]\n", buff_num); \
printf("pthread_mutex_lock returns %d\n", pthread_mutex_lock(mutex)); \
log("buff[%d] locked\n", buff_num)
#define mutex_unlock(mutex, buff_num) log("releasing buff[%d]\n", buff_num); \
pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex); \
log("buff[%d] released\n", buff_num)
typedef struct
pthread_mutex_t lock;
char data[MAX_DATA_LENGTH];
} buff_t;
uint8_t A_thread_ready = 0;
buff_t buff[NUM_BUFF];
int main()
for(int i=0; i<NUM_BUFF; i++)
if (pthread_mutex_init(&buff[i].lock, NULL) != 0)
status = pthread_create(&tid[0], NULL, &A_thread, NULL);
if ( 0 == status)
nanosleep(&t1, &t2);
} while (0 == A_thread_ready);
status = pthread_create(&tid[1], NULL, &B_thread, NULL);
if ( 0 == status)
extern uint8_t A_thread_ready;
extern buff_t buff[NUM_BUFF];
void* A_thread(void* arg)
uint8_t write_buff = 0;
mutex_lock(&buff_p->lock, write_buff);
buff_p = &(buff[write_buff]);
A_thread_ready = 1;
mutex_unlock(&buff_p->lock, write_buff);
write_buff %= NUM_BUFF;
mutex_lock(&buff_p->lock, write_buff);
buff_p = &(buff[write_buff]);
extern buff_t buff[NUM_BUFF];
void* B_thread(void* arg)
uint8_t read_buff = 0;
mutex_lock(&buff_p->lock, read_buff);
buff_p = &(buff[read_buff]);
mutex_unlock(&buff_p->lock, read_buff);
read_buff %= NUM_BUFF;
mutex_lock(&buff_p->lock, read_buff);
buff_p = &(buff[read_buff]);
When running the program, however, from the printed logs, it seems that after A
locked a buffer, B
was able to lock this same buffer.
It did something, and released the buffer. After some time A
released this buffer. I checked the return value of each pthread_mutex_lock()
call and it was always 0 (successful). What else should I check to find the cause of this problem?
At first glance I'm deeply concerned about this code:
mutex_lock(&buff_p->lock, read_buff);
buff_p = &(buff[read_buff]);
mutex_unlock(&buff_p->lock, read_buff);
It sure looks like you lock some mutex stored in a structure at buff_p->lock
(buffer 1's lock), then you change buff_p
's value with buff_p = &(buff[read_buff]);
, and then you unlock some other mutex: the mutex at buff_p->lock
(buffer 2's lock). Presumably those are different locks on completely different buffers.