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SAS get the 1st format DATE and NUM attribute from dictionary table

Good day all, I need to get the name of the 1st column formatted with DATE and NUM of a list of tables. I tried something like this in my slq proc and got results, but not the ones i liked. I think max/min isn't the way...prob have to use the attribute VARNUM of the DICTIONARY table but no idea what approach i can have, anyone can help me? Tks in advance.

proc sql;
create table want as
   distinct UPCASE(t1.libname) as mylib,
   UPCASE(t1.memname) as mytable,
   max(case when (type='num' and xtype in ('','decimal')) then
      upcase( end ) as first_att_num,
   max(case when (substr(format,1,4)='DATE' and xtype in ('date','num')) then
      upcase( end ) as first_att_date
right join have t2
   on t2.libname = upcase(t1.libname) 
   and t2.memname = upcase(t1.memname)
group by t1.libname, t1.memname;


  • Sounds like you just need a HAVING clause to restrict to the FIRST, aka MIN(VARNUM), variable.

    having t1.varnum = min(t1.varnum)

    If you want to select the variables that have DATE format attached you can use the FMTINFO() function. This is much easier to do with the output of PROC CONTENTS than it is with DICTIONARY.COLUMNS because PROC CONTENTS puts just the format NAME into the FORMAT variable. The format Width and Decimal places are stored in separate variables.


    But the format variable in DICTIONARY.COLUMNS has the complete format specification. So you will need to remove those extra characters before sending the value to the FMTINFO() function.


    So do something like this:

    proc sql;
    create table want as
    select a.libname
         , a.memname
         , b.varnum
         , b.format
    from have a 
      inner join dictionary.columns b
    on a.libname=b.libname
      and a.memname=b.memname
      and 'date'=fmtinfo(prxchange('s/\d*\.\d*$//',-1,trim(b.FORMAT)),'cat')
    group by 1,2
    having b.varnum = max(b.varnum)

    If we make the HAVE dataset be the list of all of the dataset in SASHELP then the result is:

    Obs    libname    memname        varnum    name        format
      1    SASHELP    AIR               1      DATE        MONYY.
      2    SASHELP    BUY               1      DATE        DATE9.
      3    SASHELP    CITIDAY           1      DATE        DATE9.
      4    SASHELP    CITIMON           1      DATE        MONYY7.
      5    SASHELP    CITIQTR           1      DATE        YYQC6.
      6    SASHELP    CITIWK            1      DATE        WEEKDATX16.
      7    SASHELP    CITIYR            1      DATE        YEAR4.
      8    SASHELP    COUNTSERIES       1      Date        DATE9.
      9    SASHELP    FAILURE           4      Day         DOWNAME.
     10    SASHELP    GNGSMP2           9      Date        DATE.
     11    SASHELP    GNP               1      DATE        YYQ.
     12    SASHELP    MDV               7      SHIPDATE    DATE7.
     13    SASHELP    NVST1             1      DATE        DATE9.
     14    SASHELP    NVST2             1      DATE        DATE9.
     15    SASHELP    NVST3             1      DATE        DATE9.
     16    SASHELP    NVST4             1      DATE        DATE9.
     17    SASHELP    NVST5             1      DATE        DATE9.
     18    SASHELP    PRDSAL2          11      MONYR       MONYY.
     19    SASHELP    PRDSAL3          11      DATE        MONYY.
     20    SASHELP    PRDSALE          10      MONTH       MONNAME3.
     21    SASHELP    PRICEDATA         1      date        MONYY.
     22    SASHELP    RENT              1      DATE        DATE9.
     23    SASHELP    RETAIL            2      DATE        YYQ4.
     24    SASHELP    ROCKPIT           1      DATE        DATE9.
     25    SASHELP    SNACKS            5      Date        DATE9.
     26    SASHELP    STEEL             1      DATE        YEAR.
     27    SASHELP    STOCKS            2      Date        DATE.
     28    SASHELP    TOURISM           1      year        YEAR4.
     29    SASHELP    USECON            1      DATE        MONYY.
     30    SASHELP    WORKERS           1      DATE        MONYY5.