I would like to know how I can make a query to the database bringing all the results that meet the 'store' {name} field, but this 'store' is saved with '_id' and I use .populate() to bring me the info
/**example: await product.find({store:{name:"specific store"}})*/
const products = await Product.find({ 'store.name' : "Ejemplo1" })
.populate('store', 'name')
the schemes are as follows:
const storeSchema = mongoose.Schema({
_id:"it is added automatically by mongoose",
name: String
export default model('Store', storeSchema);
const productSchema = mongoose.Schema({
store: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: "Store"
Basically what I want to achieve is to extract from the DB all the products with a specific 'store', but I still can't do it, I appreciate any help to solve this, whether it is a reference or an example of a suitable query, thanks in advance
i tried this:
const p = await Product.find({})
path: 'store',
match: { name: { $eq: 'Store1' } },
select: 'name -_id',
but it returns the entire collection and does not do the filtering, I receive something like this:
}, {
}, {
As mentioned by @M.CaglarTUFAN you cannot filter the parent document based on the child document with populate. Refactoring your schemas is a good option.
However, if you are unable to do so you can achieve your desired result with the mongodb aggregate framework using $lookup and $match like so:
const products = await Product.aggregate([
$lookup: { //< Lookup is like a Left Join in SQL
from: "stores",
localField: "store",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "store_details" //< You are adding this field to the output
$match: { //< Now from all the results only give me back the store Ejemplo1
'store_details.name': 'Ejemplo1'
If your Product collection is large (millions of documents) then bear in mind this will perform the $lookup
on all documents so could be inefficient. But without refactoring your schemas this the best single call to the database.
Your second option involves 2 database queries.
of the store you want from the stores collection.