I have a SfListView inside the EditForm. In the Template section, at the line 'var fileItem = (context as AttachmentFile);' I receive the next error: CS0039 Cannot convert type 'Forms.EditContext' to 'Models.AttachmentFile' via a reference conversion, boxing conversion, unboxing conversion, wrapping conversion, or null type conversion. A conversion with the as operator is allowed by inheritance, reference conversions, and boxing conversions.
Here is my code:
<EditForm EditContext="@myContext" OnSubmit="OnSendClick">
<SfListView EnableVirtualization="true" DataSource="@attachments">
<ListViewFieldSettings TValue="AttachmentFile" Id="@nameof(AttachmentFile.Id)" Text="@nameof(AttachmentFile.Name)">
<ListViewTemplates TValue="AttachmentFile">
var fileItem = (context as AttachmentFile);
<div class="rezmessage-attachment-file">
<i class="@fileItem.Icon"></i>
<a href="@fileItem.WebPath" target="_blank">fileItem.Name</a>
How to get context that relates to the SfListView, not to EditForm?
You can define the scoped name for the context using the Context
attribute Ms docs on the template elements.
Then you won't even need to cast it (context as AttachmentFile);
<EditForm EditContext="@myContext" OnSubmit="OnSendClick">
<SfListView EnableVirtualization="true" DataSource="@attachments">
<ListViewFieldSettings TValue="AttachmentFile" Id="@nameof(AttachmentFile.Id)" Text="@nameof(AttachmentFile.Name)">
<ListViewTemplates TValue="AttachmentFile">
<Template Context="templateContext">
var fileItem = templateContext;
<div class="rezmessage-attachment-file">
<i class="@fileItem.Icon"></i>
<a href="@fileItem.WebPath" target="_blank">@fileItem.Name</a>