I'm quite new to the Python programming language and am just working on a basic project to sort of try to grasp the basics. This may have been asked before but I can't really get a clear answer (most of the answers I see don't include end if). I'm not sure if it means that I've used wrong spacing somewhere or if I'm missing a semi colon (does Python have those?) somewhere.
My code
print("----Places to visit app---")
print("1. Insert a place")
print("2. Print places")
print("3. Delete a place")
print("4. Exit")
print("5. Please enter your choice")
option = input()
if option == '1':
print("Please enter the name of the place: ")
place_name = input()
print("please enter the address of the place: ")
place_address = input()
print("please enter the number of days you plan to stay at this place: ")
num_days = int(input())
print("Please enter the amount you plan to spend per day")
print("-----Place Added-----")
print("Place name: ", place_name)
print("Address: ", place_address)
print("Number of Days: ", num_days)
print("Total cost: $", total_cost)
elif option == '2':
print("Print places feature will be develped in future...")
elif option == '3':
print("Delete a place feature will be develped in future...")
elif option == '4':
print("Invalid option selected. Please choose a valid option.")
end if
Error on line 31 (end if): Expected expression Pylance
I think you're mistaking some keywords.
end if
is not valid syntax, keyword in pythonif
block actually ended at the last print('Invalid...')
lineIt's like this
if true:
# inside if
else: # since you did not indent/tab here ends the if scope
# inside else
# this is also inside since indented
# This is no longer inside, the block ended when there's nothing at the same indent level