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C# ASP.NET Core 7 Web API: change DateTime format to customize

I would like to ask what else can I try?

I am writing an ASP.NET Core 7 Web API with C# and I'm trying to change a field named Startdate which is of type DateTime from the database to customize its format.

The field's format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss (CE.), and when output to Swagger Json I got YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss.

What I want is YYY/MM/DD HH:mm:ss (ROC.).

I had tried to set it type as string in the view model, and in implement, I got it from LINQ but failed...

My view model:

public class ABCViewModel 
    public DateTime? startDate { get; set; }

Implementation in the action method:

public async Task<List<ABCViewModel>> RetrieveAllAsync()
    List<ABCViewModel> ABC = new List<ABCViewModel>();

        var aa = await dbABC.tableABC
                => new ABCViewModel
                            startDate = st.Startdate.Value.ToString()
            .OrderByDescending(d => d.startDate)

        return aa;
    catch (Exception ex)
        logger.LogError(ex, "RetrieveAllAsync Error");

    return ABC;


public class ABCController : ControllerBase
    private readonly IABC abc;

    public ABCController(IABC abc)
    { = abc;

    // GET: api/<ABCController>
    public async Task<List<ABCViewModel>> GetABC()
        var result = await abcService.RetrieveAllAsync();        
        return result;


public interface IABC
    Task<List<ABCViewModel>> RetrieveAllAsync();

So sorry for my wrong grammar and strange description, hope the code I provide can somewhat help me describe...

If there is anything else can I do, I would appreciate it.

Thank you for your help.

What I had tried:

  1. changed:

     startDate = st.Startdate.Value.ToString()

    (if use this, only got CE.: DD-M YY)


     startDate = (st.Startdate.Value.Year - 1911).ToString() + "/"
        + st.Startdate.Value.Month + "/"
        + st.Startdate.Value.Day + " "
    + st.Startdate.Value.Hour + ":"
    + st.Startdate.Value.Minute + ":"
    + st.Startdate.Value.Second


112/1/1 0:0:0

I want:

112/01/01 00:00:00


2. Add: [DisplayFormat(DataFormatString = " {0:yyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss} ")] above public DateTime? startDate { get; set; }

But nothing changed.

3. Add: .AsEnumerable()

To change to:

var abc = await dbABC.tableABC
        .OrderByDescending(d => d.startDate)
                => new ABCViewModel
                            startDate = st.Startdate.Value.ToString(),

Got: AsEnumerable() only can use at ToList(), ToListAsync() cannot use it.

4. I would like to change my code as: stackoverflow01

But because my work has collaborator, so I cannot do it to avoid other got any problem.

5. I found that: stackoverflow02

so I tried to change format on my Controller but maybe I failed because I didn’t have enough ability.


  • Finally I found my error!

    Only change my Implementation in the action method of try{}:

        var aa = await dbABC.tableABC
                => new ABCViewModel
                            startDate = st.Startdate.Value.ToString()
            .OrderByDescending(d => d.startDate)
        return aa;


        var aa = await (from st in dbABC.tableABC
                        orderby st.Startdate descending
                        select new DisasterViewModel
                             startDate = st.Startdate.Value.ToString("yyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss")
        return aa;

    will successful.

    Really unexpected! Thanks for @RolandMai and @Fildor helps, perhaps I got a little ability on LINQ...?