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How does ViewModel to Model communication work in MVVM?

I want to change Model.Street and other Propeties of the Model and everything i try just seems too long, not right or too complicated. I dont wanna sound lazy but thats just how i am used to it.

  1. Example

I tried this but it feels like i just write the Model again

public class CustomerInfoViewModel : BaseViewModel
    public CustomerInfo Model { get; set; }
    public CustomerInfoViewModel()
        Model = new CustomerInfo();
    public CustomerInfoViewModel(CustomerInfo customerInfo)
        Model = customerInfo;

    public string Street
            return Model.Street;
            Model.Street = value;
  1. Example

I also found something like this but then a always add a field which also seems wrong.

public class CustomerInfoViewModel : BaseViewModel
    public CustomerInfo Model { get; set; }

    public CustomerInfoViewModel()
        Model = new CustomerInfo();

    public CustomerInfoViewModel(CustomerInfo customerInfo)
        Model = customerInfo;

    // Create a generic field setter method
    private void SetField<T>(ref T field, T value, [CallerMemberName] string propertyName = null)
        if (!EqualityComparer<T>.Default.Equals(field, value))
            field = value;

    private string _street;

    public string Street
        get => _street;
        set => SetField(ref _street, value);

    // Add other fields and properties using the same pattern

Do i get something wrong about MVVM or is this an good/ok way of doing it, is there a better solution?


  • There are variable approaches to MVVM. Purists condemn binding to the model as a pattern-breaking practice. Personally, I tend to have a single model/vm class, when I am not yet sure whether I will be needing a separate view model counterpart. As soon as I need to add some calculated property, or some client-side data shaping over the model data, I switch to a dedicated ViewModel. In my opinion, super strict MVVM can cause some significant overhead, so I recommend against becoming a slave to the pattern, but taking the parts that work for you.