I'm trying to setup pre-commit in a Codefresh pipeline and to do this I need to be able to push credentials into the environment.
Normal git stuff can leverage the credential.helper. Like this for example:
git config --global credential.helper '!f() { echo username=oauth2; echo "password=$GIT_TOKEN"; };f'
and you use:
git clone https://oath2@github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks.git
And it will inject the password from the environment variable.
I tried to leverage this process to configure my pre-commit config, however it doesn't seem to leverage the git credential.helper.
- repo: https://oauth2@github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks.git
rev: v4.4.0
- id: check-added-large-files
- id: check-merge-conflict
- id: check-executables-have-shebangs
- id: check-shebang-scripts-are-executable
- id: check-case-conflict
Then try to install pre-commit hooks:
pre-commit install --install-hooks
I was expecting it to use the git credential.helper to inject the password, but instead it is waiting for the password to be provided.
I was expecting that because it is trying to do git operations (clone to begin with) in the background it would leverage my git configuration including the credential helper...
Checked the code. Relating to issue: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit/issues/300
The environment is cleared of variables beginning with GIT_
Modified my variable to be MY_GIT_TOKEN and it correctly picks this up and uses the credential helper.