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Custom JsonDeserializer for List not used by Gson

I have a problem with deserialisation. I have this json from server

  "rooms": [
      "id": 1,
      "name": "Стандартный номер с видом на бассейн",
      "price": 186600,
      "price_per": "За 7 ночей с перелетом",
      "peculiarities": [
        "Включен только завтрак",
      "image_urls": [
      "id": 2,
      "name": "Люкс номер с видом на море",
      "price": 289400,
      "price_per": "За 7 ночей с перелетом",
      "peculiarities": [
        "Все включено",
        "Собственный бассейн"
      "image_urls": [

and I want to get a List


suspend fun getRooms(): Response<List<Room>>

for this i wrote a JsonDeserializer<List>


class RoomListDeserializer : JsonDeserializer<List<Room>> {
    override fun deserialize(
        json: JsonElement,
        typeOfT: Type?,
        context: JsonDeserializationContext?
    ): List<Room> {
        val roomList = mutableListOf<Room>()
        val roomsJsonArray = json.asJsonObject.getAsJsonArray("rooms")
        Log.d("TAG", "deserialize: ${roomsJsonArray}")
        roomsJsonArray?.forEach { roomJson ->
            val room = context?.deserialize<Room>(roomJson,
            room?.let { roomList.add(it) }
        return roomList

(log doesn't call out) and i added it to GsonBuilder


    fun provideGsonConverter(): Gson = GsonBuilder()
            .registerTypeAdapter(object : TypeToken<List<Room>>(){}.type, RoomListDeserializer())

    fun provideHotelApi(
        client: OkHttpClient,
        gson: Gson
    ): HotelsApi = Retrofit.Builder()

and it doesnt work


 override suspend fun getRooms(): Flow<Resource<List<Room>>> = flow {
        try {
            val response = api.getRooms()

            if (response.body() != null) {
            } else {
        } catch (e: Exception) {
            Log.d("TAG", "getRooms: $e")
            emit(handleException(e, context))

Expeption is getRooms: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was BEGIN_OBJECT at line 1 column 2 path $ But if I create a class with a field with a Room list, everything works fine

data class Test(
    val rooms: List<Room>

My Room entity

data class Room(
    val id: Int,
    val imageUrls: List<String>,
    val name: String,
    val peculiarities: List<String>,
    val price: Int,
    val pricePer: String

Can i achive my goal, and how?


  • The type you provide for GsonBuilder.registerTypeAdapter is checked exactly. Though the documentation might not make this clear enough. When you register an adapter for List<Room>, then you only register it for that exact type. It will neither be used for ArrayList<Room> nor for List<? extends Room> or similar.

    This appears to be part of the reason why your code is not working. It seems the Kotlin expression object : TypeToken<List<Room>>(){}.type actually creates a List<? extends Room> (can be seen when debugging)[1]. So your custom deserializer will not be called.

    Maybe you can work around this by replacing object : TypeToken<List<Room>>(){}.type with TypeToken.getParameterized(,, but that seems rather brittle.
    Another alternative would be to implement your custom deserialization logic using a TypeAdapterFactory instead, but then you would have to check there manually if the type is List<Room> or a subtype.

    So maybe the easiest and most reliable solution would be really to have some enclosing type which has a rooms property, like you did it with your Test data class.

    [1] I don't know though why Kotlin is apparently not treating the List<Room> in the return type of getRooms() as List<? extends Room> as well.