I would like to create two columns from this dataset originating from just a singular one:
structure(list(Z = c("51", "51", "51", "51", "51", "51", "51",
"51", "60", "60", "60", "60", "60", "60", "60", "60"), A = c("Unp",
"Dip", "Dit", "Tip", "Unp (%)", "Dip (%)", "Dit (%)", "Tip (%)",
"Unp", "Dip", "Dit", "Tip", "Unp (%)", "Dip (%)", "Dit (%)",
"Tip (%)"), B = c(74, 190, 120, 284, 150, 147.222222222222, 101.39,
125, 74, 179, 112, 265, 150, 139.583333333333, 106.94, 118.91
)), row.names = c(NA, -16L), class = c("tbl_df", "tbl", "data.frame"
In such a way that the column A and B from the original dataset, will be set in that way like for this small example:
structure(list(var1 = c("A", "A (%)", "B", "B (%)"), var2 = c(1,
23, 34, 245)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, -4L))
var1 var2 var3 var4
1 A 1 A (%) 23
3 B 34 B (%) 245
Theferore I would like to move those row that differ just from one character (in this case the presence of (%)) but share a similar part. Any idea on how to do this?
If the absolute values and percentages alternate every other row, in base R you could use cbind
and %%
this way, assigning your data as df
cbind(df[seq_len(nrow(df)) %% 2 != 0,],
df[seq_len(nrow(df)) %% 2 == 0,])
# var1 var2 var1 var2
# 1 A 1 A (%) 23
# 3 B 34 B (%) 245
Alternatively you could use do.call
after split
ing on the presence of a "%" using grep
do.call(cbind, split(df, grep("%", df$var1)))
# 2.var1 2.var2 4.var1 4.var2
# 1 A 1 A (%) 23
# 3 B 34 B (%) 245
In your specific sample data, you can first split
on the like terms (regardless of %) using substr
then split again on the "%" - essentially all I did was replace df$var1
with split(df, substr(df$var1, 1, 3))
then removed some extra/repeated columns:
temp <- do.call(cbind, split(df, grep("%", split(df, substr(df$A, 1, 3)))))
#remove columns
final <- temp[,-grep("splt$|Z", names(temp))[-1]]
# 1.Z 1.A 1.B 2.A 2.B 3.A 3.B 4.A 4.B
#1 51 Unp 74 Dip 190.0000 Dit 120.00 Tip 284.00
#2 51 Unp (%) 150 Dip (%) 147.2222 Dit (%) 101.39 Tip (%) 125.00
#3 60 Unp 74 Dip 179.0000 Dit 112.00 Tip 265.00
#4 60 Unp (%) 150 Dip (%) 139.5833 Dit (%) 106.94 Tip (%) 118.91