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Tcp proxy mysql.The data received from the mysql-client is output in weird symbols

// std:string _sql_statement;
// char _client_data[max_data_length];
// size_t bytes_transferred;

void tcp_proxy::Bridge::handle_read_fclient(const error_code& error, const size_t & bytes_transferred)

    if (!error) {
            asio::buffer(_client_data, bytes_transferred),
        _sql_statement.append(_client_data, bytes_transferred);
        std::cout << _sql_statement << "\n";
    else {

When i run mysql-client and send sql query, i get this output:

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I tried using printf, but it didn't work. I will be glad of any hint, a link to the literature.


  • It is working. Mysql protocol isn't text-based. Printing it as-if it were text is inappropriate. Instead, consider hex-dumping like e.g.:

    _sql_statement.assign(_client_data, bytes_transferred);
    std::cout << "Received " << bytes_transferred << " bytes: ";
        std::ostream hex(std::cout.rdbuf());
        hex << std::hex << std::showbase << std::setfill('0');
        for (auto i = 0; i < bytes_transferred; ++i) {
            uint8_t octet = _client_data[i];
            hex << " " << std::setw(4) << static_cast<int>(octet);
    std::cout << std::endl;

    Note I also changed append into assign to avoid infinite growth. Also consider renaming _sql_statemtent into _data to avoid misleading names.

    Review Notes

    A few things:

    • the mutex is useless if only one spot ever locks it

    • to avoid issues, don't close() during potential async operations. Instead cancel() them and let the error handling clean up via shared_from_this()

    • same for the acceptor, just setting _stopped = true doesn't force the pending accept to complete. Instead, cancel() the _acceptor.

    • Don't abuse shared_ptr::get(), atomic<T>::load() and atomic<T>::store() for no reason

    • avoid the code duplication around async read:

       void tcp_proxy::Bridge::handle_connection(error_code const& error) {
           if (!error) {
           } else {
               std::cerr << "Connect Error! Error code = " << error.value() << ". Message : " << error.message() << "\n";

      and re-use the same do_read_fXXX() function in the write completions.

    • handle EOF properly. It's possible to have received data when EOF is encountered. So, write the data to the other end destroying the connection:

      if (!error || error == asio::error::eof) {

      I'll leave it as an exercise to the reader to optionally keep track of shutdown states (see e.g. boost::asio cleanly disconnecting)

    • you call proxy.stop_proxy() after ... completed. That's useless by definition. Consider just omitting it, or put it in a more useful spot (e.g. in a signal_set::async_wait handler?)


    I also created a branch with these review comments on Gitlab: (branch

    Local demo:enter image description here