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SQL Query to concatenate column values from multiple rows in Oracle with count

I have below oracle table:

Table A

PID   SEQ    Desc

A     1      Have
A     2      a nice
A     3      day.
B     1      Nice Work.
C     1      Yes
C     2      we can 
C     3      do 
C     4      this work!

I want to aggregate Output of the table such that it should be -

PID   Desc1                          Desc2
A     Have a nice day.               Have
A     Have a nice day.               a nice
A     Have a nice day.               day!
B     Nice Work.                     Nice Work.
C     Yes we can do this work!       Yes
C     Yes we can do this work!       we can
C     Yes we can do this work!       do
C     Yes we can do this work!       this work!

Notice that SEQ column determines order of desc aggregation. I have tried below query:

SELECT pid, LISTAGG(Desc, ' ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY seq) AS description

Which got me this result:

PID   Desc
A     Have a nice day.
B     Nice Work.
C     Yes we can do this work!

I am not sure how to get the desired result. Help!


  • Use LISTAGG as an analytic function rather than an aggregation function:

    SELECT pid,
           LISTAGG(descr, ' ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY seq) OVER (PARTITION BY pid)
             AS description,
    FROM   table_a

    Which, for the sample data:

    CREATE TABLE Table_A (PID, SEQ, Descr) AS
    SELECT 'A', 1, 'Have'       FROM DUAL UNION ALL
    SELECT 'A', 2, 'a nice'     FROM DUAL UNION ALL
    SELECT 'A', 3, 'day.'       FROM DUAL UNION ALL
    SELECT 'B', 1, 'Nice Work.' FROM DUAL UNION ALL
    SELECT 'C', 1, 'Yes'        FROM DUAL UNION ALL
    SELECT 'C', 2, 'we can'     FROM DUAL UNION ALL
    SELECT 'C', 3, 'do'         FROM DUAL UNION ALL
    SELECT 'C', 4, 'this work!' FROM DUAL;


    A Have a nice day. Have
    A Have a nice day. a nice
    A Have a nice day. day.
    B Nice Work. Nice Work.
    C Yes we can do this work! Yes
    C Yes we can do this work! we can
    C Yes we can do this work! do
    C Yes we can do this work! this work!
