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New relic APM & Services transaction report to slack

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My requirement in new relic APM & services -> Transaction -> sort by slowest average response time. We are getting some api details.

Is it possible to send those report details to slack channel automatically


  • You can try something like the following steps:

    Set Up New Relic Alerts

    • Navigate to the APM application for which you want to monitor slow response times.
    • Create a new alert condition that triggers when the average response time exceeds a certain threshold (e.g., the slowest average response time you're interested in).
    • Configure the alert condition with the desired threshold and evaluation criteria.

    Configure Notification Channels

    • In New Relic, set up a notification channel for Slack.
    • This usually involves providing your Slack workspace's webhook URL.
    • You can find Slack webhook URL creation instructions in the Slack documentation.

    Create and apply an Alert Policy

    • Create an alert policy in New Relic and add the notification channel you configured for Slack to this policy.
    • Associate the alert condition you created earlier with the alert policy.
    • Set up the desired notification preferences, such as when and how often to notify.

    Test and Fine-Tune

    • Test the alert condition by temporarily generating traffic or triggering the conditions that would lead to slow response times.
    • Ensure that notifications are sent to your Slack channel as expected.