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object "Antal_rader" cannot be used before end of its declaration

OBS! My code is written with Swedish terms.

I have to code a VAT table but i have run in to some problems concerning Floats and the way that it rounds values. At first, I was using a while loop but that didn't work since it (after a while) got too affected by the float-issue.

I created a For-loop instead which in theory should work better. However. I'm having an issue with one of my variables.

The variable "Antal_Rader" is being declared before the For-loop but i still get the error code: "object "Antal_rader" cannot be used before end of its declaration"


with Ada.Text_IO;              use Ada.Text_IO;
with Ada.Float_Text_IO;        use Ada.Float_Text_IO;

procedure Momstabellen is
   Forsta_Pris : Float;
   Sista_Pris : Float;
   Steglangd : Float;
   Momsprocent : Float;
   Moms : Float;
   Antal_Rader : Float;
   Nuvarande_Rad : Float;
   -- 1. Ta emot alla variabler för momstabellen:
   Put("Första pris: ");
   while Forsta_Pris < 0.0 loop
      Put("Felaktigt värde!");
      Put("Första pris: ");
    end loop;
   Put("Sista pris: ");
   while Sista_Pris < Forsta_Pris loop
      Put("Felaktigt värde!");
      Put("Sista pris: ");
   end loop;
   Put("Steg: ");
   while Steglangd < 0.0 loop
      Put("Felaktigt värde!");
      Put("Steg: ");
   end loop;
   Put("Momsprocent: ");
   while Momsprocent < 0.0 or Momsprocent > 100.0 loop
      Put("Felaktigt värde!");
      Put("Momsprocent: ");
   end loop;

-- 2. Skapa en layout för momstabellen:
   Put("============ Momstabell ============");
   Put("Pris utan moms  Moms   Pris med moms");

Issue lies here:


   Antal_Rader := (Sista_Pris - Forsta_Pris)/Steglangd;
   for I in 0 .. Antal_Rader loop
      Nuvarande_Rad := Antal_Rader * Steglangd + Forsta_Pris;   
      Moms := Nuvarande_Rad/100.0 * Momsprocent;
      Put(Nuvarande_Rad, Fore=> 6, Aft => 2, Exp => 0);
      Put(Moms, Fore => 8, Aft => 2, Exp => 0);
      Put(Nuvarande_Rad + Moms, Fore => 9, Aft => 2, Exp => 0);
   end loop;
end Momstabellen;

I have tried changing the first line of the For-loop and also tried changing the position of "Antal_Rader" but nothing has worked.

I am quite new to this so i can't think of many more things to do.


  • Here is a version of your program with change allowing it to compile without any compiler messages. You should test it to ensure it does what you want.

    with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
    procedure Momstabellen is
       type Money is delta 0.01 digits 8 range 0.0 .. 999_999.99;
       package money_io is new Decimal_IO (Money);
       use money_io;
       subtype Procent is Money range 0.0 .. 100.0;
       Forsta_Pris   : Money;
       Sista_Pris    : Money;
       Steglangd     : Money;
       Momsprocent   : Procent;
       Moms          : Money;
       Antal_Rader   : Money;
       Nuvarande_Rad : Money;
       -- 1. Ta emot alla variabler för momstabellen:
       Put ("Första pris: ");
       Get (Forsta_Pris);
       -- Definition of Money prohibits a value less than 0.0
       -- Put ("Sista pris: ");
       --  Get (Sista_Pris);
       --  while Sista_Pris < Forsta_Pris loop
       --     Put ("Felaktigt värde!");
       --     New_Line;
       --     Put ("Sista pris: ");
       --     Get (Sista_Pris);
       --  end loop;
          Put ("Sista pris: ");
          Get (Sista_Pris);
          exit when Sista_Pris >= Forsta_Pris;
          Put_Line ("Felaktigt värde!");
       end loop;
       -- Again, the definition of Money prevents input of value < 0.0
       Put ("Steg: ");
       Get (Steglangd);
       -- The definition of the subtype Procent ensures a value within the
       -- required range.
       Put ("Momsprocent: ");
       Get (Momsprocent);
       -- 2. Skapa en layout för momstabellen:
       Put ("============ Momstabell ============");
       Put ("Pris utan moms  Moms   Pris med moms");
       Antal_Rader := (Sista_Pris - Forsta_Pris) / Steglangd;
       for I in 0 .. Integer (Antal_Rader) loop
          Nuvarande_Rad := Antal_Rader * Steglangd + Forsta_Pris;
          Moms          := Nuvarande_Rad / 100.0;
          Moms          := Moms * Momsprocent;
          Put (Nuvarande_Rad, Fore => 6, Aft => 2, Exp => 0);
          Put (Moms, Fore => 8, Aft => 2, Exp => 0);
          Put (Nuvarande_Rad + Moms, Fore => 9, Aft => 2, Exp => 0);
       end loop;
    end Momstabellen;