I want to set a background color of the mat-card. To do that I'm using Angular Material variable (or whatever that is), like this:
.mat-mdc-card {
--mdc-elevated-card-container-color: mat.get-color-from-palette($my-custom-primary, 900);
This doesn't work at all and there's still a default color.
But when I do that it works:
.mat-mdc-card {
--mdc-elevated-card-container-color: #212121;
Can someone explain to me how to be able to use a color from the palette with these strange Angular Material "variables"?
This should work
$dark-primary: mat.get-color-from-palette($my-custom-primary, 900);
.mat-mdc-card {
--mdc-elevated-card-container-color: #{$dark-primary};