Search code examples

Why is Filterrific Search in Production on Heroku add-on db not working?

I use the filterrific gem (currently 5.2.3) a lot for my Rails apps and love it. I have run into a weird problem. I have a secondary Postgres database for my dev team to write to as an additional add-on in Heroku. My filterrific setup works great for all my scope filters in production but the search returns errors. Everything works perfectly in Development with my SQL seed data.


   default_filter_params: { },
   available_filters: [

scope :with_search_please, ->(search_string) {
  return nil  if search_string.blank?
  terms = search_string.to_s.downcase.split(/\s+/)
  terms = { |e|
      #('%' + e + '%').gsub(/%+/, '%')
      ('%' + e.gsub('*', '%') + '%').gsub(/%+/, '%')
  num_or_conds = 6
  self.where( { |term|
        LOWER(Terminals.Model) LIKE ?
        OR LOWER(Terminals.TermcapModel) LIKE ?
        OR LOWER(Manufacturers.Name) LIKE ?
        OR LOWER(TerminalType.Type) LIKE ?
        OR LOWER(Note.Description) LIKE ?
        OR LOWER(FirmwarePackage.Version) LIKE ?
      }.join(' AND '),
      * { |e| [e] * num_or_conds }.flatten

Log Error

Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 15ms (ActiveRecord: 3.2ms | Allocations: 6057)
2023-09-07T12:56:11.955033+00:00 app[web.1]: F, [2023-09-07T12:56:11.954949 #2] FATAL -- : [9e6cf5c0-457c-47aa-9099-a5923e41b1ce]
2023-09-07T12:56:11.955035+00:00 app[web.1]: [9e6cf5c0-457c-47aa-9099-a5923e41b1ce] ActionView::Template::Error (PG::UndefinedTable: ERROR:  missing FROM-clause entry for table "terminals"
2023-09-07T12:56:11.955035+00:00 app[web.1]: LINE 2:         LOWER(Terminals.Model) LIKE '%a%'
2023-09-07T12:56:11.955036+00:00 app[web.1]: ^

I have tried several ways of rewriting the search query, stripping out conditions and even just a straight SQL query. This is particularly difficult as everything works flawlessly in Development and all the filtering scopes work in Production. I know it must have to do with the secondary add-on db as I have never run in to this before.


  • Your issue is that the "terminals" table is not part of the query.

    Also please note Postgres double quoted identifiers are case sensitive e.g. "Terminals" v "terminals".

    If you post the entire query as well as some context as to where this code block is defined we may be able to assist with that.

    All that being said I would also like to take the opportunity to help you clean up that query a bit as it seems very awkward, IMO.

    From the post it appears that your intent is to find: "A Record where every word in the search string is contained in one of the following columns Terminals.Model, Terminals.TermcapModel, Manufacturers.Name, TerminalType.Type, Note.Description, FirmwarePackage.Version".

    We can achieve this in a simpler fashion (and possibly solve your issue in the process) as follows:

    scope :with_search_please, ->(search_string) {
      return none if search_string.blank? # A scope should not return nil
      search_columns = [
      terms = search_string.to_s
              .map {|term| "%#{term}%"}
      where( {|c| c.matches_any(terms)}.reduce(:and))

    As an example, with a search_string of "A Sun*ny Day" this will result in a WHERE CLAUSE similar to

    (Terminals.Model ILIKE '%A%' OR Terminals.Model ILIKE '%Sun%ny%' OR Terminals.Model ILIKE '%Day%') AND 
    (Terminals.TermcapModel ILIKE '%A%' OR Terminals.TermcapModel ILIKE '%Sun%ny%' OR Terminals.TermcapModel ILIKE '%Day%') AND 
    (Manufacturers.Name ILIKE '%A%' OR Manufacturers.Name ILIKE '%Sun%ny%' OR Manufacturers.Name ILIKE '%Day%') AND 
    (TerminalType.Type ILIKE '%A%' OR TerminalType.Type ILIKE '%Sun%ny%' OR TerminalType.Type ILIKE '%Day%') AND 
    (Note.Description ILIKE '%A%' OR Note.Description ILIKE '%Sun%ny%' OR Note.Description ILIKE '%Day%') AND 
    (FirmwarePackage.Version ILIKE '%A%' OR FirmwarePackage.Version ILIKE '%Sun%ny%' OR FirmwarePackage.Version ILIKE '%Day%')

    We could take this a bit further with Full Text Search as well.