Search code examples

Oracle Apex replace sql query string with select list value

I have a page in Apex application where there is a page item which is a list, P1_DEPT.

select dept_code d, dept_id r from departments;

AB1             1
CA2             2
DF3             3

The IG Query is:

select emp_code,employee_name,project,manager from employees;

Here emp_code data is :


So the first 3 characters are deptcode and rest is employee id.

So if i filter AB1, all employees starting with AB1 as emp_code should get filtered.

What condition would be best to apply in sql where clause?


  • something like this should work:

    select e.emp_code,e.employee_name,e.project,e.manager 
     from employees e
          join departments d ON substr(e.emp_code,1,3) = d.deptcode
          WHERE d.deptno = :P1_DEPT

    However, instead of solving problems like this you should consider normalising the data model. The employees table should have a deptno column with a foreign key to the departments table (in addition to the empcode column). Then the join would just be on the deptno column. It will save you lots of time later on in the project.