I'm trying to convert tuple of key value pairs to set to be sent to lambda function environment variables, something like the following:
"name" = "some_name"
"value" = "some_value"
"name" = "some_name"
"value" = "some_value"
now, let's say I could save the above into a variable and named it environmet_variables
I want to pass it lambda function, so I tried the following:
resource "aws_lambda_function" "lambda" {
environment {
variables = {
for key, value in var.environment_variables :
key => value
it's not working and I get the following error :
var.environment_variables is tuple with 13 elements
│ Inappropriate value for attribute "variables": element "2": string required.
{ for variable in var.environment_variables : variable.name => variable.value }
It works in a TF console:
>> env-test.tf
variable "environment_variables" {
type = list
default = [
"name" = "key1"
"value" = "1"
"name" = "key2"
"value" = "2"
$ terraform console
> { for variable in var.environment_variables : variable.name => variable.value }
"key1" = "1"
"key2" = "2"