I am trying to save in my pc all the plots obtained using par(mfrow)
. The idea is to save each png image adding a number to avoid replacements.
This is a toy example were I use lapply
and par(mfrow)
to generate several histograms.
lapply(1:ncol(mtcars), function(x){
Something that I have tried (without success) is to use another lapply
to save the images with different names.
lapply(1:ceiling(ncol(mtcars)/2), function(n){
png(paste0("../Desktop/histogram_", n, ".png"))
lapply(1:ncol(mtcars), function(x){
It works at 50%. It saves the different histograms with different names, but it saves the last plot several times.
How can I save the first plot till the last one?
Important note: I don't want to save each individual histogram, I want to save each pair of histograms that are kept in each image.
I found a similar post to do this, but it uses a for loop and if statements (something that I want to avoid).
Any help will be very appreciated.
Thanks in advance
How about
seq(1, ncol(mtcars), 2),
function(x) {
png(paste0("histogram_", x, ".png"))
par(mfrow=c(1, 2))
hist(mtcars[, x])
if (x < ncol(mtcars)) hist(mtcars[, (x+1)])
which runs the function on pairs of columns...
Here is a variation that will work for any number of rows and columns and any data frame (that contains only numeric columns).
makePlots <- function(df, nr, nc) {
k <- nr * nc
seq(1, ncol(df), k),
function(x, df, nr, nc) {
png(paste0("histogram_", x, ".png"))
par(mfrow=c(nr, nc))
for (z in x:(x+k-1)) {
if (z <= ncol(df)) hist(df[, z])
nr = nr,
nc = nc,
df = df
makePlots(mtcars, 3, 2)