I have a dataset that has x,y,z columns. I have created surface plot using gnuplot and contour on top and bottom as see below. Here is the dataset: https://www.dropbox.com/s/8evj5da7yco1xmo/datx.dat?dl=0
Below is the plot from the data in the link.
I'm trying to create a contour plot like the one below with contours on the side, how do I accomplish this in gnuplot
Here is the solution http://gnuplot-tricks.blogspot.com/2010/ but I'm unable to replicate it for my dataset.
Your linked solution uses a matrix as input data with row- and column-index as x,y coordinates and you have x,y,z
data columns. You could write your z-values into a matrix, but then you will lose your x- and y-coordinates. You could also possibly add them as the first row and first column "headers", respectively (gnuplot calls this a non-uniform matrix, check help matrix nonuniform
However, gnuplot can also plot x,y,z
data as surface plot easily, especially if it is a regular grid (which seems to be the case with your data). However, this data has to be separated by empty lines into iso-curves (as @Joce mentioned in the comments).
The script below
This was a bit of a struggle (with set pm3d
, set contour
, etc.) to get it work, but I think the result is what you were asking for. There is room for fine-tuning.
If there are simpler ways to do it, please let me know.
### plot surface with contours and projections
reset session
FILE = "SO70490999.dat"
colX = 1
colY = 2
colZ = 3
# 1. read file into datablock, 2. insert marker when both x- and y-values change, 3. get xmax and ymax
set table $Temp
x1 = y1 = xmax = ymax = NaN
plot FILE u (x0=x1,x1=column(colX),y0=y1,y1=column(colY), \
xmax!=xmax || x1>xmax ? xmax=x1:0, ymax!=ymax || y1>ymax ? ymax=y1:0, \
sprintf("%g %g %g",x1,y1, column(colZ)).(x0!=x1 && y0!=y1 && x0==x0 ? " #" : '')) w table
unset table
# insert empty line before lines with marker
set print $Data
do for [i=1:|$Temp|] {
if (strstrt($Temp[i],"#")>0) { print ""}
print $Temp[i]
set print
# plot contour lines into a datablock
myContours = "-242.2, -242.5, -243, -244, -245, -246, -247"
set cntrparam level discrete @myContours
set contour both
set table $Contours
splot $Data u 1:2:3 w l
unset table
unset contour
set view 55, 300
set key noautotitle
set xyplane relative 0
splot for [i=0:99:5] $Data every ::i::i u (xmax):2:3 w l, \
for [i=0:99:5] '' every :::i::i u 1:(ymax):3 w l, \
'' u 1:2:3 w pm3d, \
for [i=1:words(myContours)] $Contours index i u 1:2:3 w l lc i, \
for [i=1:words(myContours)] $Contours index i u 1:2:(-400) w l lc i, \
### end of script