I am trying to get all subscription key names that are associated with any APIM products. Could anyone provide me the correct querystring for the request ?
curl --location 'https://gb-apim-dev.management.azure-api.net/subscriptions/b01ac92a-4fd4-9dc5-2506afa98816/resourceGroups/JLL-GB-RG-APIM-Dev/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/JLL-GB-APIM-Dev/subscriptions?%24filter=%7C%20name%20%7C%20ThoughtSpot-Trusted-Auth%7C%20eq%20%7C&api-version=2022-08-01' \ --header 'Authorization: SharedAccessSignature uid=integration&ex=2023-09-07T08:23:24.0288132Z&sn=fdfd+ggg=='
Above is the curl, I am using. I am strugle to pass the correct $filter syntax in query string.
$filter : | name | ThoughtSpot-Trusted-Auth| eq | --- is this correct ? $filter : {| name | ThoughtSpot-Trusted-Auth| eq |} --- this one ?
I know the syntax for the filter is wrong but could not get any help from any articles.
Here is the microsoft articles for this. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/apimanagement/current-ga/subscription/list?tabs=HTTP
Initially you can use GET https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ApiManagement/service/{serviceName}/subscriptions?api-version=2022-08-01
URL to get all the subscription keys which are there in your APIM instance.
You can get the ownerId, scope, displayName, stateComment
properties from above response which will be used in the $filter parameter as below-
$filter=contains(properties/scope,'products/starter') or contains(properties/ownerId,'1') and contains(properties/displayName,'test_name')