I have an Excel inside a Sharepoint which I'm perfectly able to read making a call to Graph API from Python using msal library. I'm stuck in trying to update this file. I gave the application the Files.ReadWrite.All
permission and I can see it decoding the token through jwt.ms:
"roles": [
These are the permissions of my application:
Despite this, when I try to send the PATCH
http request to the file passing the structure to update I get a 403 AccessDenied error, it says that the operation can't be performed. It's not a problem of the structure I'm passing as it works fine in the Graph Explorer. It seems a permissions problem but I don't know which other permission might be missing...
How can I find out where the problem is?
Here's the code I'm using:
client instance generation:
client = msal.ConfidentialClientApplication(
,authority = authority
,client_credential = client_secret
token request:
tk = client.acquire_token_for_client(scopes = ['https://graph.microsoft.com/.default'])
the simple HTTP request:
method = 'PATCH'
,headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + tk['access_token']}
,url = 'https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/{}/drive/items/{}/workbook/worksheets(\'{}\')/range(address=\'B2:C{}\')'.format(CONFIGS['app']['sharepoint_id'], CONFIGS['app']['workbook_id'], sheet, (CONFIGS['app']['nRows'] + 1))
,json = {...}
where json
has a format like this (I'm emptying some cells):
"values": [
["", ""]
"formulas": [
[null, null]
"numberFormat": [
[null, null]
I have set all readwrite permissions that exists on files API as you can see in this screenshot, still having a 403:
Based on the screenshot of your permissions, it looks like you need delegated permission Files.ReadWrite.All
instead of application.
I'm not sure about PATCH
, according to the doc, you should send PUT
request to update a content of the file
You are calling workbook API and this API doesn't support application permissions.