I’m curious, how do we use Combine to publish the results of a function until a certain answer is received?
For the purposes of this example, let’s say I’m using this function:
func guessANumber() -> Int { Int.random(in: 0...9) }
I want to use Combine to publish a sequence of results from this function that will terminate when it receives zero as the output. How do I achieve that?
You can just create a lazy Sequence
that does that, using sequence
let seq = sequence(first: guessANumber()) { _ in
let number = guessANumber()
return number == 0 ? nil : number
If you really want, you can turn this into a Publisher
using the publisher
let publisher = seq.publisher
Alternatively, make an infinite sequence, and use the prefix(while:)
sequence(first: guessANumber()) { _ in guessANumber() }
// .publisher // prefix(while:) is also a Combine operator
.prefix(while: { $0 != 0 })