I have an authentication module which contains login
, otp confirmation
among other screens. I have an AuthViewModel
which handles UI events as below:
class AuthViewModel @Inject constructor(private val repo: AuthRepository) : ViewModel() {
private val _authState = MutableStateFlow(AuthState.UNAUTHENTICATED)
val authState: StateFlow<AuthState> = _authState.asStateFlow()
fun login(credential: Login) {
viewModelScope.launch {
//.. call repo method here
_authState.value = AuthState.OTP
fun confirm(otp: String) {
viewModelScope.launch {
//.. call repo method here
_authState.value = AuthState.AUTHENTICATED
As you can see I update the authState
to navigate to different screens when login()
and confirm()
are successful. However, I'm unable to observe the authState
from a common composable function and trigger the navigation accordingly.
Here is my navigation graph looks like:
const val authRoute = "auth"
fun NavGraphBuilder.authNavigation(navController: NavController) {
navigation(startDestination = loginRoute, route = authRoute) {
composable(loginRoute) {
val parentEntry = remember(it) { navController.getBackStackEntry(authRoute) }
val vm: AuthViewModel = hiltViewModel(parentEntry)
LoginScreen(vm, onOtpSent = {
composable(otpRoute) {
val parentEntry = remember(it) { navController.getBackStackEntry(authRoute) }
val vm: AuthViewModel = hiltViewModel(parentEntry)
OtpScreen(vm, onAuthenticated = {
Currently, I observe the vm.authState
from each screen and then trigger callback lamdbda functions as below:
fun LoginScreen(vm: AuthViewModel, onOtpSent: () -> Unit) {
val authState = vm.authState.collectAsStateWithLifecycle().value
val currentOnOtpSent = rememberUpdatedState(onOtpSent)
LaunchedEffect(authState) {
if (authState == AuthState.OTP) {
val state = vm.loginUiState.collectAsStateWithLifecycle().value
LoginUi(state, onLogin = vm::login)
However, the problem with this approach is that, when user presses the back button from the OtpScreen
, the LaunchedEffect
coroutine in the LoginScreen
gets called again navigating back to the OtpScreen
again instead of staying in the LoginScreen
as the authState
in viewmodel still contains navigate to OTP
state. This is a likely issue if I were to observe the authState
from all the composable routes instead of from just one place.
In the View world
I used to solve this issue by only observing the authState
in ViewModel from the Activity as a common place for all the Auth fragments and navigate to appropriate fragments based on the authState
However, in the compose world, I can't find a common place to navigate between the auth screens based on the ViewModel state. How do I do that?
Any help would be highly appreciated!
After hours of experiments, I ended up doing as below as per the documentation provided here for Navigation events
fun LoginScreen(vm: AuthViewModel, onOtpSent: () -> Unit, onRegister: () -> Unit) {
val state = vm.loginUiState.collectAsStateWithLifecycle().value
var isLoggingIn by rememberSaveable { mutableStateOf(false) }
onLogin = {
isLoggingIn = true
onRegister = onRegister
val lifecycle = LocalLifecycleOwner.current.lifecycle
val currentOnOtpSent = rememberUpdatedState(onOtpSent).value
if (isLoggingIn) {
LaunchedEffect(vm, lifecycle) {
snapshotFlow { vm.authState }
.filter { it == AuthState.OTP }
.collect {
isLoggingIn = false
The issue here is you would still have to replicate this code throughout the authentication screens whereever you expect to have a navigation event from ViewModel.
The isLoggingIn
state keeps track of the event that's triggered to potentially update the navigation state and the LaunchedEffect would only trigger when there is event triggered from UI (login, register etc). This prevents the issue with the back navigation.