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How to get specific time of tomorrow's date in datetimeoffset in c#?

I want a DateTimeOffset value for tomorrow's date, 7 AM , Central Standard Time.

My current code is:

var tomorrow = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1);

var tomorrowDate = new DateTime(tomorrow.Year, tomorrow.Month, tomorrow.Day, 07, 00, 00, DateTimeKind.Local);

DateTimeOffset datetimeOffsetInCentralTimeZone = new DateTimeOffset(tomorrowDate, TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Central Standard Time").GetUtcOffset(tomorrowDate));

return datetimeOffsetInCentralTimeZone;

Is this correct? Is there an easier way to get the datetimeoffset value?


  • For this answer I'm making the following assumptions:

    • The local time is not relevant and may not be Central. Regardless a DateTimeOffset in Central Time is required. (This seems to be implied in the question.)
    • Although the question states Central Standard Time, a correct time in Standard or Daylight time, as appropriate to the date, is required. (The question doesn't explain what the DateTimeOffset will be used for and it's possible the OP wants 7:00 AM CST and 6:00 AM CDT but that would be the less common case.)
    // Get the TZ. This code is using Central Time but it could be any time zone.
    var timeZone = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Central Standard Time");
    // Get tomorrow in the TZ. (Note that adding a day could also advance the month or the month and year.)
    var tomorrow = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime(DateTimeOffset.UtcNow, timeZone).AddDays(1);
    // Construct a new DateTimeOffset using 'tomorrow' in the TZ and setting the time to 7:00 AM.
    var target = new DateTimeOffset(tomorrow.Year, tomorrow.Month, tomorrow.Day, 7, 0, 0, 0, tomorrow.Offset);

    If you wanted to adjust the 7:00 AM time during Daylight Saving, the following code can be added to test for Daylight Saving, find the difference between Standard and Daylight (don't assume the difference is 1 hour), and modify the time.

    if (timeZone.IsDaylightSavingTime(target))
        target = target. Add(timeZone.BaseUtcOffset - target.Offset);