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Is there a way to programmatically download large files from Netsuite?

I have some saved searches that I stored in files in the file cabinet and I would like to programmatically download these files but I run into Netsuite’s 10mb file size limitation. I have scoured the suitescript documentation but nothing jumps out to me as a solution. Is there some way to do this?


  • We recently downloaded a few million files from Netsuite. We didn't use SuiteScript, due to the limitations (like you describe) and the cost. If that isn't a requirement, you can use the Python SDK (Uses the SOAP API) for Netsuite. We were regularly pulling files >50 MB with code similar to this:

    from netsuitesdk import NetSuiteConnection
    import logging
    def connect() -> NetSuiteConnection:
        token = oauth.Token(key=TOKEN_KEY, secret=TOKEN_SECRET)
        consumer = oauth.Consumer(key=CONSUMER_KEY, secret=CONSUMER_SECRET)
        NS_CONSUMER_KEY = consumer.key
        NS_CONSUMER_SECRET = consumer.secret
        NS_TOKEN_KEY = token.key
        NS_TOKEN_SECRET = token.secret
        nc = NetSuiteConnection(
        logging.warn("Connected to NetSuite")
        return nc
    def download_file(nc: NetSuiteConnection, file_id: str) -> bytes:
        logging.warn(f"Getting file content for ID {file_id}")
        file = nc.files.get(internalId=file_id)
        return file.content

    To use this code, you need to have the file ID you want to download. However, you can easily get this list from NetSuite (either with the SOAP API or through a manual export in the UI).

    NOTE: You will need to get the details for TOKEN_KEY, TOKEN_SECRET, CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET, and NETSUITE_ACCOUNT from your NetSuite administrator. See the oracle docs for more details on how to generate these.