I have asp.net core 3.1 web api project which leverages Azure SQL database as its data storage option. At present I am also using Azure Redis Cache to improve performance of the application.
Here goes the code details :
public interface ICacheProvider
IList<string> GetKeys();
IList<string> GetKeys(string strGroup);
T Get<T>(string strKey, string strGroup = "");
bool Set(string strKey, object objData, string strGroup = "", int? intMinutes = null);
bool Remove(string strKey, string strGroup = "");
bool RemoveGroup(string strGroup);
bool ClearCache();
Task<bool> ClearCacheAsync();
public class CacheProvider : ICacheProvider
private static readonly int ExpiryMinutes = ConfigManager.Get(CacheExpiryMinutes, CacheExpiryMinutes);
private static Lazy<ConnectionMultiplexer> _objCacheConn = CreateConnection();
private static Lazy<ConnectionMultiplexer> CreateConnection()
return new Lazy<ConnectionMultiplexer>(() =>
string conn = ConfigManager.Get(RedisConnString);
return ConnectionMultiplexer.Connect(conn);
private ConnectionMultiplexer Connection
return _objCacheConn.Value;
private IDatabase GetDatabase()
return Connection.GetDatabase();
private EndPoint[] GetEndPoints()
return Connection.GetEndPoints();
private IServer GetServer()
var objEndpoint = GetEndPoints().First();
return Connection.GetServer(objEndpoint);
public IList<string> GetKeys()
return GetKeys("*");
public IList<string> GetKeys(string strGroup)
var lstKeys = new List<string>();
var objServer = GetServer();
if (objServer != null)
var strPattern = strGroup + ":*";
var objRedisKeys = objServer.Keys(pattern: strPattern);
var objLst = objRedisKeys.GetEnumerator();
while (objLst.MoveNext())
catch (Exception)
lstKeys = new List<string>();
return lstKeys;
public T Get<T>(string strKey, string strGroup = "")
T objData = default(T);
var objCache = GetDatabase();
if (!strKey.IsEmpty() && objCache != null)
strKey = (strGroup.IsEmpty() ? C.CacheGroups.General : strGroup) + ":" + strKey;
var strData = objCache.StringGet(strKey).ToString();
if (!strData.IsEmpty())
objData = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(strData);
catch (Exception)
objData = default(T);
return objData;
public bool Set(string strKey, object objData, string strGroup = "", int? intMinutes = null)
bool blnSuccess = false;
var objCache = GetDatabase();
if (!strKey.IsEmpty() && objData != null && objCache != null)
intMinutes = intMinutes ?? ExpiryMinutes;
strKey = (strGroup.IsEmpty() ? C.CacheGroups.General : strGroup) + ":" + strKey;
var strData = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(objData);
var tsExpiry = new TimeSpan(0, intMinutes.Value, 0);
blnSuccess = objCache.StringSet(strKey, strData, tsExpiry);
catch (Exception)
blnSuccess = false;
return blnSuccess;
public bool Remove(string strKey, string strGroup = "")
bool blnSuccess = false;
var objCache = GetDatabase();
if (!strKey.IsEmpty() && objCache != null)
strKey = (strGroup.IsEmpty() ? C.CacheGroups.General : strGroup) + ":" + strKey;
blnSuccess = objCache.KeyDelete(strKey);
catch (Exception)
blnSuccess = false;
return blnSuccess;
public bool RemoveGroup(string strGroup)
bool blnSuccess = false;
var lstKeys = GetKeys(strGroup);
var objCache = GetDatabase();
if (lstKeys.Count > 0 && objCache != null)
foreach (var strKey in lstKeys)
blnSuccess = true;
catch (Exception)
blnSuccess = false;
return blnSuccess;
public bool ClearCache()
bool blnSuccess = false;
var objServer = GetServer();
if (objServer != null)
blnSuccess = true;
catch (Exception)
blnSuccess = false;
return blnSuccess;
public async Task<bool> ClearCacheAsync()
// Get server details
var server = GetServer();
if (server is null)
return false;
// Flush All Databases
await server.FlushAllDatabasesAsync();
return true;
I am consuming the above CacheProvider in my code as mentioned below :
private async Task<IReadOnlyList<TestInfo>> GetDataAsync(int Id1, int Id2, int Id3, string cacheKey)
var data = _cacheProvider.Get<IReadOnlyList<TestInfo>>(cacheKey, TestCacheGroup);
if (data is null)
data = await _test.GetSampleDataAsync(Id1, Id2, Id3);
_cacheProvider.Set(cacheKey, data, TestCacheGroup, Defaults.CacheExpiryMinutes);
return data;
LazyCache by default uses MemoryCache under the hood. I came through documentation that LazyCache can be extended to swap out to redis or casandra at a later time but keep the same code and API.
Can anyone help me here with some code sample which will serve as a reference for my implementation
It is recommended for v2+ users of LazyCache users (who require the use of Redis, etc) move to the IDistributedCache
present in asp .net framework. For versions earlier, they provide a mechanism to do so via the ObjectCache
class. The following link may help those 1.x users: LazyCache Redist, Cassandra Extensions
There is an existing Redis implementation here: LazyCache: Redis