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How do I use flask_sqlalchemy and a GCP TLS protected DB connector?

I'd like to use flask_sqlalchemy with GCP's db connector which does automatic TLS setup as described here:

I tried their example code on my laptop with credentials set via GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS and it worked. It was able to connect to the remote DB on GCP, I checked that it was TLS encrypted with wireshark, it successfully queried data from the DB. I ran that with sqlalchemy 1.4.47.

I want to use the GCP connector with a flask + flask_sqlalchemy app that uses SQLALCHEMY_BINDS. Using sqlalchemy 1.4.47 flask_sqlalcehmy 2.5.1 and code like this:


from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy
from import Connector, IPTypes
import pg8000


db: SQLAlchemy = SQLAlchemy()

def create_web_app():
    app = Flask('ex')

    ip_type = IPTypes.PUBLIC
    connector = Connector()

    def getconn() -> pg8000.dbapi.Connection:
        conn: pg8000.dbapi.Connection = connector.connect(
        return conn

    app.config["SQLALCHEMY_BINDS"] = {
          "gcptslprotected": {
             # This URI looks funny but is what GCP docs request and works in the test script
             "url": make_url("postgresql+pg8000://"), 
             "creator": getconn }

    # SQLALCHEMY_URI for a default db connection also gets created and works fine
    app.config['SQLALCHEMY_URI'] = "sqlite:///./tests/data/test.db"

The above code runs fine but then a route in the flask app uses the DB this this error is raised:

File "/home/bdc34/.pyenv/versions/browse310/lib/python3.10/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/", line 516, in create_engine
u, plugins, kwargs = u._instantiate_plugins(kwargs)
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute '_instantiate_plugins'

You might notice that I use make_url() where as the GCP example script does not have that. I did that to get around an exception raised by flask_sqlalchemy function apply_driver_hacks() which is not the most confidence inspiring name.


  • I found that flask_sqlalchemy says in the docs that it will passe the dict in the SQLALCHEMY_BINDS to sqlalchemy creat_engine() but it does not seem to correctly do this.

    So I looked for a place in flask_sqlalchemy.SQLAlchemy to override something to make it work and I found that set_options calls apply_driver_hacks and that was an okay place.

    I did:

    class BrowseSQLAlchemy(SQLAlchemy):
        """Overrides how flask_sqlalchemy handles options 
        that need to be passed to create_engine.
        In spite of documentation to the contrary, flask_sqlalchemy 
        does not seem to be able to handle a dict as the value for a 
        def apply_driver_hacks(self, app, sa_url, options): # type: ignore
            if not isinstance(sa_url, dict):
                return super().apply_driver_hacks(app, sa_url, options)
            url = make_url(sa_url["url"])
            return url, options
     db: SQLAlchemy = BrowseSQLAlchemy()

    I came to these conclusions after looking at the flask_sqlalchemy code. It can be deduced that get_options() and apply_driver_hasks() are not intended to accept a Dict for the sa_url.