I am building a native webRTC app on iOS using Googles WebRTC pod in Swift. I am using a custom web socket to an OpenVidu server to send and receive information needed to establish an RTC video chat
However, upon trying to set a session description answer for a peer connection, the application throws an EXC_BAD_ACCESS signal which crashes it.
I first call a function to create and set the offer as a local description:
func createOfferForPublishing(constraints:RTCMediaConstraints){
localParticipant?.peerConnection?.offer(for: constraints, completionHandler: {
sdp, error in
if let error = error {
self.localParticipant?.peerConnection?.setLocalDescription(sdp!, completionHandler: {
error in
if let error=error{
self.openViduSocket?.publishVideo(sessionDescription: sdp!)
which then gets passed to the socket and receives a json response with an answer
if let connection = session.localParticipant?.peerConnection{
let remoteSdpAnswer = RTCSessionDescription(type: .answer, sdp: params.sdpAnswer)
I then create a session description from a string and set it as the remote description, at which point the app crashes with an EXC_BAD_ACCESS
I have found this bug report but in the linked fix RTCSessionDescription initialiser should return nil if the sdp string is invalid, which it doesn't do, but rather returns a normal answer
My questions are:
After looking through someone else's demo app, I figured out that these methods require completion handlers despite the arguments being optional.
The call should instead look something like this:
connection.setRemoteDescription(remoteSdpAnswer, completionHandler: {
error in
if let error = error {