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Problems launching .ps1 script with further "dot sourced" scripts via shortcut / paths not found

I have a ps1 script, which is launched via shortcut. Shortcut properties:

Target: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe -noexit -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "C:\Temp\myfile.ps1"
Start in: "C:\Temp"
Run as admin set true

Content of myfile.ps1:

. .\ps\file1.ps1
. .\ps\file2.ps1


function1 is included in file1.ps1, function2 in file2.ps1


function1: The term 'function1' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file,
or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and
try again.
At C:\Temp\myfile.ps1:1 char:1
+ function1
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (function1:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

Same for function2 in file2.ps1

If launched it via Powershell console, it works as intended. Probably sth is wrong / missing regarding the launch-in directory or similar?

Any hints are appreciated!


  • I cannot reproduce your problem, but I suggest changing your approach (as you've since confirmed, this fixes your problem):

    I'm assuming you want to dot-source your helper .ps1 files from a location relative to the location of the executing script rather than relative to the current (working) directory.

    Therefore, modify your script as follows:

    # Dot-source the helper scripts from a subdirectory 
    # of the directory in which the running script is located.
    . (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot ps\file1.ps1)
    . (Join-Path $PSScriptRoot ps\file2.ps1)