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How Can I change text display in textfiled aftere editing finished in swiftui


if focus in textfield will display text (number normal)

if not focus textfield will display x in 3 fist digit


  • textfield focus user type 123456
  • textfield not focus textfield will display xxx456
  • textfield focus again will display 123456


  • You need to associate a FocusState with the field and then respond to changes in focus. See the answer to How to detect when a TextField loses the focus in SwiftUI for iOS? for more about FocusState.

    Here is an example of how it could work:

    struct ContentView: View {
        @FocusState private var isFocused: Bool
        @State private var masterText = ""
        @State private var visibleText = ""
        var body: some View {
            Form {
                Section {
                    TextField("Secret number", text: $visibleText)
                        .onChange(of: isFocused) { isFocused in
                            if isFocused {
                                visibleText = masterText
                            } else {
                                masterText = visibleText
                                if !visibleText.isEmpty {
                                    let endRange = min(visibleText.count, 3)
                                    let endOfString = visibleText.dropFirst(endRange)
                                    visibleText = "xxx" + endOfString
                Section {
                    TextField("Another field", text: .constant(""))