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How can I generate a PBKDF2 password hash in python?

I'm using some software that stores it's internal user database in a JSON file (users.json) where each user has a field called password where the values look like this:


I want to modify this users.json programatically from python to reset a user password, without having to go through this application UI.

How can I generate a pbkdf2:xxxxxx string for a new password?


  • The


    follows the format


    to generate a new pbkdf2:xxx you can use hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac which is builtin since Python 3.4.

    For example the pbkdf2:10000:f30dd5755d4d172d:e7b2fdda936b4ad5335c3b76c8f3568b0e3b14ce1d9b8ca1e32b7627545d0a3811aa3407a814731b1ee1c86e108c66c1616b1ea2570f7ecf8d04d4f465c33947 seems to be the hash of the password admin using pbkdf2_hmac('sha1',...)

    You can generate the hash for password admin and salt f30dd5755d4d172d over 10000 iterations like this:

    from hashlib import pbkdf2_hmac
    iterations = 10000
    salt = bytes.fromhex('f30dd5755d4d172d')
    passwordtohash = 'admin'
    hash = pbkdf2_hmac('sha1',bytes(passwordtohash,'utf-8'), salt, iterations, dklen=64)
    # pbkdf2:10000:f30dd5755d4d172d:e7b2fdda936b4ad5335c3b76c8f3568b0e3b14ce1d9b8ca1e32b7627545d0a3811aa3407a814731b1ee1c86e108c66c1616b1ea2570f7ecf8d04d4f465c33947

    Or in general for a completely new password (with a new random salt):

    from hashlib import pbkdf2_hmac
    import os
    import random
    import string
    iterations = 10000
    salt = os.urandom(8)
    passwordtohash = ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) for _ in range(16))
    hash = pbkdf2_hmac('sha1',bytes(passwordtohash,'utf-8'), salt, iterations, dklen=64)
    print(f"New password: '{passwordtohash}'")
    New password: 'LGVDFKSBEUISDGUM'