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sed find lines with sequential numbers and copy them sorted to new file

I need to get some file content sorted. The file content looks like

description of file
description of file
description of file

Now I want to cut the entries out and paste them into a new file in correct order so it looks like

description of file
description of file
description of file

Is it possible to let sed look for the number in that lines with link and then cut the whole line out into a new file with correct order and also with the respective above file description?


  • Ok guys thx for your thoughts. I found solution on my own and want to share it with you. Its maybe more like a workaround and fiddly but in the end does what I want.

    Step 1: Delete all newlines and replace them with some indicator so every 2 lines become 1 line

    sed -i 'N;s/\n/ ## /' file

    Step 2: On recurring part in every link insert an indicator for sort

    sed -i 's/recurringpart\//recurringpart\/~/g' file

    Step 3: Use sort to tidy up the mess.

    sort -t~ -k2 -g -r -o file file

    Step 4 : Replace the "newline indicator" with newline so every line gets separated in 2 lines again

    sed -i 's/ ## /\n/g' file

    Step 5: Remove the sort indicator

    sed -i 's/recurringpart\/~/recurringpart\//g' file