I noticed the image size regardless of which image I use it is slitty smaller than the other apps image in macOS menu bar.
This is the code i used in cocoa:
private lazy var statusItem: NSStatusItem = NSStatusItem()
statusItem = NSStatusBar.system.statusItem(withLength: NSStatusItem.variableLength)
if let button = statusItem.button {
button.image = NSImage(systemSymbolName: "wifi", accessibilityDescription: "1")
How to make my image size get the same size as other apps?
The result:
The following source code should make the icon larger, but may be too large. You may read about it here: NSImageSymbolConfiguration
// globals at top of AppDelegate
var statusItem: NSStatusItem!
var image: NSImage!
// Then in func applicationDidFinishLaunching()
statusItem = NSStatusBar.system.statusItem(withLength: NSStatusItem.variableLength)
if let button = statusItem.button {
image = NSImage(systemSymbolName: "wifi", accessibilityDescription: "1");
let config = NSImage.SymbolConfiguration(scale: .large)
button.image = image.withSymbolConfiguration(config)