I'm trying to create a msi-Installer with the WiX Toolset v4 for a HelloWorld WPF-Application. My problem is a missing dll which is not rolled out with the msi installation.
I've just created a WiX MSI Package via the Visual Studio 2022 'MSI Package (WiX v4)'-template and done two steps:
The wxs-files at this point:
<Wix xmlns="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs">
<ComponentGroup Id="ExampleComponents" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER">
<File Source="WpfApp.exe" />
<Wix xmlns="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs">
<StandardDirectory Id="ProgramFiles6432Folder">
<Directory Id="INSTALLFOLDER" Name="!(bind.Property.Manufacturer) !(bind.Property.ProductName)" />
<Wix xmlns="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs">
<Package Name="WpfAppPackage" Manufacturer="TODO Manufacturer" Version="" UpgradeCode="32058e2f-46ed-4823-9795-d68433888c7f">
<MajorUpgrade DowngradeErrorMessage="!(loc.DowngradeError)" />
<Feature Id="Main">
<ComponentGroupRef Id="ExampleComponents" />
The build results in a msi, wixpdb and a cab1.cab file. To run the msi file leads to a new folder under C:/Program Files (x86)/... with the WpfApp.exe but I'm expecting the necessary WpfApp.dll as well which is missing at this point.
Trying to start the WpfApp.exe leads to nothing but an Eventlog-Entry which confirms my assumption.
So how do I configure my project for adding the dll in the installation process?
You'll want to update your components that you're telling it to install. The easiest way is to manually add the files you're looking to add to the ComponentGroup
<Wix xmlns="http://wixtoolset.org/schemas/v4/wxs">
<ComponentGroup Id="ExampleComponents" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER">
<File Source="WpfApp.exe" />
<File Source="WpfApp.dll"/> <!-- Add this line with the path to your other file -->