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WiX Toolset/HeatWave - Add dll to Installer

I'm trying to create a msi-Installer with the WiX Toolset v4 for a HelloWorld WPF-Application. My problem is a missing dll which is not rolled out with the msi installation.

I've just created a WiX MSI Package via the Visual Studio 2022 'MSI Package (WiX v4)'-template and done two steps:

  1. Add a Project Dependency to my HelloWorld WPF Application
  2. Edit the ExampleComponents.wxs and change the Source Attribute from the File-Element to the WPF Applications Name

The wxs-files at this point:


<Wix xmlns="">
    <ComponentGroup Id="ExampleComponents" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER">
        <File Source="WpfApp.exe" />


<Wix xmlns="">
    <StandardDirectory Id="ProgramFiles6432Folder">
      <Directory Id="INSTALLFOLDER" Name="!(bind.Property.Manufacturer) !(bind.Property.ProductName)" />


<Wix xmlns="">
  <Package Name="WpfAppPackage" Manufacturer="TODO Manufacturer" Version="" UpgradeCode="32058e2f-46ed-4823-9795-d68433888c7f">
    <MajorUpgrade DowngradeErrorMessage="!(loc.DowngradeError)" />

    <Feature Id="Main">
      <ComponentGroupRef Id="ExampleComponents" />

The build results in a msi, wixpdb and a file. To run the msi file leads to a new folder under C:/Program Files (x86)/... with the WpfApp.exe but I'm expecting the necessary WpfApp.dll as well which is missing at this point.

Trying to start the WpfApp.exe leads to nothing but an Eventlog-Entry which confirms my assumption.

So how do I configure my project for adding the dll in the installation process?


  • You'll want to update your components that you're telling it to install. The easiest way is to manually add the files you're looking to add to the ComponentGroup

    <Wix xmlns="">
        <ComponentGroup Id="ExampleComponents" Directory="INSTALLFOLDER">
            <File Source="WpfApp.exe" />
            <File Source="WpfApp.dll"/>     <!-- Add this line with the path to your other file -->