I am trying to list the names and URLs of all files from the folder and subfolders of Dropbox. I found the following code snippet that Cooper proposed in a similar question:
function dbxFileUpload(files) {
var fldr = DriveApp.getFolderById(getGlobal('GPSTracksFolderId'));
var fileBlob=UrlFetchApp.fetch(files[0].link).getBlob();
var file=fldr.createFile(fileBlob);
var fi=formatFileName(file);
var fileInfo={'name':fi.getName(),'type':fileBlob.getContentType(), 'size':fileBlob.getBytes(), 'folder':fldr.getName(), 'id':fi.getId()};
return fileInfo;
I am not sure how to use this snippet in my situation. The other sources that could provide solutions are in different languages i.e. Php, Android.
I have already created a Dropbox app that provides App Key
and App Secret
, but due to my beginner skills, I am not sure how to make it work using Google Apps Script. Any guidance would be much appreciated.
I believe your goal is as follows.
In order to use Dropbox API, it is required to use the access token. In this answer, it supposes that you have already had your valid access token. Please be careful about this.
In this case, how about the following sample script?
In this sample script, the file and folder list are retrieved from your dropbox.
function myFunction() {
const accessToken = "###"; // Please set your access token.
const path = "";
const url = "https://api.dropboxapi.com/2/files/list_folder";
const res = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, {
method: "post",
headers: { authorization: "Bearer " + accessToken },
contentType: "application/json",
payload: JSON.stringify({ path, limit: 2000, recursive: true })
const obj = JSON.parse(res.getContentText());
When this script is run, the following result is obtained. In this case, both files and folders under the subfolders are included.
"entries": [
{".tag": "###", "name": "###", "path_lower": "###", "path_display": "###", "id": "id:###"},
"cursor": "###",
"has_more": false
If you want to retrieve the files under a subfolder, please set const path = "";
as const path = "/sampleFolderName";
. In the case of const path = "";
, all files and folders in dropbox are retrieved.
If has_more
is true
, please retrieve the next list using list_folder/continue.
Please check more information about this at "list_folder of Dropbox API".
About the file URL, it seems that {fileId}
of https://www.dropbox.com/s/{fileId}/{fileName}?raw=1
is different from the file ID. So, I prepared one more sample script for retrieving the file URL. I think that the following script can retrieve it.
function getSharedLink() {
const accessToken = "###"; // Please set your access token.
const fileId = "###"; // Please set file ID.
const url = "https://api.dropboxapi.com/2/sharing/get_file_metadata";
const res = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, {
method: "post",
headers: { authorization: "Bearer " + accessToken },
contentType: "application/json",
payload: JSON.stringify({ file: fileId })
const obj = JSON.parse(res.getContentText());
const sharedLink = obj.preview_url;