Anyone who knows how to track iOS app downloads (through web ads) without UDID?
I have thought it becomes impossible especially if the user comes from website to AppStore. But a company called WDA seems to make it possible.
I have some ideas but I'm not sure which is the best way.
1) Cookie: iOS apps cannot access the cookie in Safari. 2) Shared Local Strage: Is there any shared storage which can be written by Safari and read by native iOS app?
I'm facing a similar problem. Below are my proposed solutions - myself I am about to implement the second one.
EDIT: as John Ballinger points out in his comment below, gekitz, author of UIDevice-with-UniqueIdentifier-for-iOS-5 changes its license to MIT :) Thanks John!
If you just need a reliable UDID replacement, try this and please mind its license. You can also search for other solutions on GitHub.
Update to this solution: I've dropped the idea as too many devs are telling me it will violate HIG.
Much more flexible, allows tracking installation campaigns with your affiliates (e.g. by assigning every affiliate a specific "UDID" value you can later check after application is installed and that "UDID" is sent to your servers).
SO users: please let us know if any of below may violate HIG and, in effect, result in a rejected application (especially steps 5, 6 and 7).
NOTE: you'll need to cover many edge cases, like starting/resuming app with (or without) URL-scheme or Push Notification etc.
P.S. Going out for a while, but will check your feedback later. Thanks!