I successfully created an invocable method that I can call from a Salesforce flow to query the Contact Object and return a set of Ids with a passed in (invocable) variable (in this case an eMail address).
public class askFSIS_Match_eMail_ContactIds {
@InvocableMethod(label='Find Unique Matching eMail Contact Ids'
description='Find potential contacts using eMail address as matching field and return a set of Contact Ids.')
public static List<List<String>> getEmailContactIds (List<emIdRequest> emidreq)
List<Contact> eMailContacts = new List<Contact>();
if(emidreq[0].eMailAddress != null)
String eMaddress = emidreq[0].eMailAddress;
eMailContacts = [SELECT Id
FROM Contact
WHERE Email = :eMaddress
AND Inactive__c = false
AND Is_Deleted__c = false
AND IsDeleted = false
AND askFSIS_Contact_Type__c != 'askFSIS Internal'];
Set<Id> eMailContactIdSet = (new Map<Id,Contact>(eMailContacts)).keySet();
List<Id> eMailContactIds = new List<Id>(eMailContactIdSet);
List<List<Id>> eMailContactIdList = new List<List<Id>>();
Return eMailContactIdList;
public class emIdRequest
@InvocableVariable(label='eMail Address' required=true)
public String eMailAddress;
Although, I could never figure out how to return it with a named variable, it works.
My issues is with creating the Test Class. The code compiles without problems but fails when running the test (log indicates "List index out of bounds: 0"), so I can't even determine the coverage ...
public class askFSIS_Match_eMail_ContactIds_Test {
static testMethod void testGetEmailContactIds() {
Contact con = new Contact();
con.FirstName = 'Jack';
con.LastName = 'Jill';
con.eMail = '[email protected]';
insert con;
List<askFSIS_Match_eMail_ContactIds.emIdRequest> inputparams = new List<askFSIS_Match_eMail_ContactIds.emIdRequest>();
askFSIS_Match_eMail_ContactIds.emIdRequest pf = new askFSIS_Match_eMail_ContactIds.emIdRequest();
pf.eMailAddress = '[email protected]';
List<List<Id>> contact_jack = askFSIS_Match_eMail_ContactIds.getEmailContactIds(inputparams);
System.assert (contact_jack != null);
I was, of course HOPING it would run (pass) and give me 100% coverage, but I am stuck. Admittedly, I am an absolute newbie to Apex programming (while not to programming, in general).
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
The problem is in this line of code:
if(emidreq[0].eMailAddress != null)
That happens because you are passing empty emidreq list to the method. Which leads us to the conclusion that you have forgotten to add test askFSIS_Match_eMail_ContactIds.emIdRequest
to the list.
To solve this, in the test class, after these lines:
List<askFSIS_Match_eMail_ContactIds.emIdRequest> inputparams = new List<askFSIS_Match_eMail_ContactIds.emIdRequest>();
askFSIS_Match_eMail_ContactIds.emIdRequest pf = new askFSIS_Match_eMail_ContactIds.emIdRequest();
pf.eMailAddress = '[email protected]';
Add this line of code: