When I'm calling the github API through the Octokit npm package or by a simple rest call I'll get an empty array back but a 200 success.
The repo in question is private and the projects in there are private too, but this shouldn't be a problem, shouldn't it? At least I didn't see this restriction mentioned somewhere.
The endpoint I call is:
Anyone any ideas?
Thanks, Felix
What I call is this:
GET https://api.github.com/repos/me-the-owner/myrepo/projects
Accept: application/vnd.github+json
Authorization: Bearer myAllAccessClassicToken
X-GitHub-Api-Version: 2022-11-28
Is there anything else that one should know to investigate the problem?
I think what I'm struggling with is what JerryK mentions here: Unable to create project in repository or organisation using GitHub REST API
"So after looking around this is what i have found