I am having a problem with HDPI screens (tested on Samsung Galaxy S2).
I have a texture map which I use in conjunction with the OES_draw_texture 1.1 extension. This works fine for MDPI screens, big and small (tested on HTC Legend and Asus Transformer tablet). The texture map is cropped correctly and the texture is displayed correctly.
However, on the Galaxy S2 (and presumably all HDPI devices), the texture map is not cropped correctly. The texture map is located in the /drawable/ directory, and the minSdkVersion is set to 4, so Screen Compatibility will not be on. If screen compatibility is turned on (by setting minSdkVersion to 3), it works correctly even on the S2 because it's emulating an MDPI screen.
I was under the impression that if you were to access a drawable resource "a", Android would look in the specific density folder (in this case /drawable-hdpi/) and if not found, fall back onto /drawable/ or /drawable-mdpi/. I have not been able to find documentation to support this however.
My questions are as follows:
Any knowledge into this would be appreciated.
From here. (When loading your texture)
// This will tell the BitmapFactory to not scale based on the device's pixel density:
// (Thanks to Matthew Marshall for this bit)
BitmapFactory.Options opts = new BitmapFactory.Options();
opts.inScaled = false;