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Crash when trying to open MIUI system Activity in Android 13

i am trying to call MIUI system activity by this code:

val intent = Intent()
intent.setClassName("com.miui.powerkeeper", "com.miui.powerkeeper.ui.HiddenAppsConfigActivity")
intent.putExtra("package_name", activity.packageName)
intent.putExtra("package_label", getText(R.string.app_name))

Before Android 13 everything works fine, but on Android 13 I catch an error:

android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: Unable to find explicit activity class {com.miui.powerkeeper/com.miui.powerkeeper.ui.HiddenAppsConfigActivity}; have you declared this activity in your AndroidManifest.xml, or does your intent not match its declared <intent-filter>?

Tried to add default intent-filter, but it never helps:

<activity android:name="com.miui.powerkeeper.ui.HiddenAppsConfigActivity"
            <action android:name="foo" />
                android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

How to define external intent-filter?


  • The problem was that I determined the presence of the MIUI firmware like this:

    fun isMIUI() = !TextUtils.isEmpty(AndroidUtilities.getSystemProperty(""))

    But the bug was reproduced on the magnificent Redmi A2+, which has the firmware Android 13 (Go).

    These firmwares do not have proprietary MIUI applications installed and that's why I couldn't run them.

    As a result, to solve the problem, you need to change the firmware identification to this:

    fun isMIUI(context: Context): Boolean {
        val intentList = listOf(
            Intent().setComponent(ComponentName("com.miui.securitycenter", "com.miui.permcenter.autostart.AutoStartManagementActivity")),
            Intent().setComponent(ComponentName("com.miui.securitycenter", "com.miui.powercenter.PowerSettings"))
        intentList.forEach { intent ->
            val resolved = Internal.resolveActivityList(context, intent).isNotEmpty()
            if (resolved) return true
        return false

    And resolve method:

    fun resolveActivityList(context: Context, intent: Intent): List<ResolveInfo> = with(context.packageManager) {
        return if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.TIRAMISU) {
            queryIntentActivities(intent, PackageManager.ResolveInfoFlags.of(PackageManager.MATCH_DEFAULT_ONLY.toLong()))
        } else queryIntentActivities(intent, PackageManager.GET_META_DATA)