I'm working on a flutter application manipulating images and videos. For video re-encoding I use ffmpeg_wasm and shared buffer which requires crossOriginIsolated. Video encoding works well, downloading and image display also works, however downloading videos from Firebase storage is blocked by the browser because Cross-Origin-Resource-Policy is not-set causing error 206.
To solve this issue i suppose firebase storage should set this header but i don't hunderstand why picture work
Picture of request header using Image.network(myURL)
And video using video_player: ^2.7.1 VideoPlayerController.networkUrl(myURL)
I note Sec-Fetch-Mode is different.
After a day of work i found html video tag work if i add crossorigin="anonymous" proprety.
So i add this propery in video_player_web.dart file in the lib folder of the plug in
final VideoElement videoElement = VideoElement()
..id = 'videoElement-$textureId'
..src = uri
..crossOrigin = "anonymous"
..style.border = 'none'
..style.height = '100%'
..style.width = '100%';
and it work