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Device wise font change but not apply font family and type - how to add font type and font family is ClashGrotesk

This is device wise font change code if open iPad then font size is big and if open small device like iPhone SE, 8, 6 elc, then font size is small according small device

This code is perfectly run but in this code add font type added.

How can I add it?

extension UIFont {

//    static func setFont(type: fontType = .clashGroteskSemibold, size: CGFloat = UIFont.systemFontSize) -> UIFont {
//        return UIFont(name: type.rawValue, size: size.dp) ?? UIFont()
//    }

    class func appFont(
        ofSize size : CGFloat = UIFont.systemFontSize,
        weight : Weight = .semibold
    ) -> UIFont {
        return UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: size.dp, weight: weight)
extension CGFloat {
    var dp: CGFloat {
        let width = UIScreen.main.bounds.width
        let device = UIScreen.main.traitCollection.userInterfaceIdiom
        if (device == .phone) {
            if (width <= 375) {
                // iPhone(SEGen2 6, 6s, 7, 8, X, Xs, 11pro, 12mini, 13mini)
                return self * 0.60
            } else if (width <= 414) {
                // iPhone(6+, 6s+, 7+, 8+, XsMax, XR, 11, 11proMax, 12, 12pro, 13, 13pro)
                return self
        else if (device == .pad) {
            if (width <= 1024) {
                // ipad(miniGen6, )
                return self * 2.0
        return self

call func code

cell.stepsLabel.font = UIFont.appFont(ofSize: 32, weight: .semibold)

I have add custome font and font type but not warking I have face error is optional valur unrapped this type of error are faced.

extension UIFont {
    public enum fontType: String {
        case clashGroteskSemibold = "ClashGrotesk-Semibold"
        case clashGroteskRegular = "ClashGrotesk-Regular"
        case clashGroteskMedium = "ClashGrotesk-Medium"
        case clashGroteskLight = "ClashGrotesk-Light"
        case clashGroteskExtralight = "ClashGrotesk-Extralight"
        case clashGroteskBold = "ClashGrotesk-Bold"
    class func appFont(
        type: fontType = .clashGroteskSemibold,
        ofSize size : CGFloat = UIFont.systemFontSize
    ) -> UIFont {
        return UIFont(name: type.rawValue, size: size.dp)!



  • To use custom font, make sure register font in info.plist under "Fonts provided by application" property. Note: Font name should be same as filename with file extension.

    Register Custom Font:

    Register Custom Font

    And also ensure that the custom font is available in your app's target. You can confirm from File Inspector for custom font file in Target Membership. For Reference, look into attached image.

    Font Target:

    Font Target

    To avoid nil value errors, use this code in UIFont extension:

    enum FontType: String {
        case clashGroteskBold = "ClashGrotesk-Bold"
        case clashGroteskSemibold = "ClashGrotesk-Semibold"
        case clashGroteskRegular = "ClashGrotesk-Regular"
        case clashGroteskMedium = "ClashGrotesk-Medium"
        case clashGroteskLight = "ClashGrotesk-Light"
        case clashGroteskExtralight = "ClashGrotesk-Extralight"
    class func appFont(type: FontType = .clashGroteskSemibold, ofSize size : CGFloat = UIFont.systemFontSize) -> UIFont {
        guard let font = UIFont(name: type.rawValue, size: size.dp) else {
            return self.systemFont(ofSize: size.dp)
        return font