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Cloudwatch metrics count not increasing for aws lambda integrated with micrometer

I am working on integrating micrometer cloudwatch library in aws lambda function. I am creating meter registry as below -

public CloudWatchAsyncClient cloudWatchAsyncClient() {
    return CloudWatchAsyncClient.builder().region(Region.of("us-east-1")).build();

public MeterRegistry getMeterRegistry(CloudWatchAsyncClient cloudWatchAsyncClient) {
    CloudWatchConfig cloudWatchConfig = setupCloudWatchConfig();
    return new CloudWatchMeterRegistry(cloudWatchConfig, Clock.SYSTEM, cloudWatchAsyncClient);

private CloudWatchConfig setupCloudWatchConfig() {
    return new CloudWatchConfig() {

        private final Map<String, String> configuration =

        public String get(String key) {
            return configuration.get(key);
  1. In case of important events, I am incrementing counters as -


After running lambda with this code, I am able to see counterName appearing in cloudwatch. However count for the same is always 0.

I verified that lambda role has PutMetricData permission.


  • This was happening, as lambda was running for 15 seconds and Cloudwatch config was set to publish metrics every 1 minute. So lambda was exiting before metrics were getting published.

    After setting that value to a lesser value, metrics started appearing.