I have following code but this is throwing error:
RETURN cannot have a parameter in function returning set
Any idea on how I can fix it and why I am getting this error?
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS public.get_services_connected_for_workspace;
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS public.get_services_connected_data;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.get_services_connected_for_workspace(_workspace_id BIGINT)
RETURNS SETOF services_connected_response
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
results services_connected_response[];
services_connected_row services_connected_response;
('github', COALESCE(service_github.auto_invite, false), services_connected.service_github IS NOT NULL, false, COALESCE(service_github.last_synced, NULL), COALESCE(service_github.sync_status, NULL)),
('zoom', COALESCE(service_zoom.auto_invite, false), services_connected.service_zoom IS NOT NULL, false, COALESCE(service_zoom.last_synced, NULL), COALESCE(service_zoom.sync_status, NULL)),
('jira', COALESCE(service_jira.auto_invite, false), services_connected.service_jira IS NOT NULL, false, COALESCE(service_jira.last_synced, NULL), COALESCE(service_jira.sync_status, NULL)),
('docusign', COALESCE(service_docusign.auto_invite, false), services_connected.service_docusign IS NOT NULL, false, COALESCE(service_docusign.last_synced, NULL), COALESCE(service_docusign.sync_status, NULL)),
('asana', COALESCE(service_asana.auto_invite, false), services_connected.service_asana IS NOT NULL, false, COALESCE(service_asana.last_synced, NULL), COALESCE(service_asana.sync_status, NULL)),
('google', COALESCE(service_google.auto_invite, false), services_connected.service_google IS NOT NULL, true, COALESCE(service_google.last_synced, NULL), COALESCE(service_google.sync_status, NULL))
INTO results
FROM services_connected
LEFT JOIN service_github ON services_connected.service_github = service_github.id
LEFT JOIN service_jira ON services_connected.service_jira = service_jira.id
LEFT JOIN service_zoom ON services_connected.service_zoom = service_zoom.id
LEFT JOIN service_asana ON services_connected.service_asana = service_asana.id
LEFT JOIN service_docusign ON services_connected.service_docusign = service_docusign.id
LEFT JOIN service_google ON services_connected.service_google = service_google.id
WHERE services_connected.workspace_id = _workspace_id;
RETURN results;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.get_services_connected_data()
RETURNS SETOF services_connected_response
LANGUAGE plpgsql
AS $function$
_workspace_id BIGINT := ((current_setting('request.jwt.claims'::text, TRUE))::JSON ->> 'workspace_id')::BIGINT;
FROM public.get_services_connected_for_workspace(_workspace_id);
You declared the function to return a set, but it actually returns a single array (array of composite type). Either fix the RETURNS
declaration, or what's actually returned.
Or rather, consider this single function:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION public.get_services_connected_for_workspace(_workspace_id bigint DEFAULT ((current_setting('request.jwt.claims', true))::json ->> 'workspace_id')::bigint)
RETURNS SETOF services_connected_response
SELECT result.*
FROM services_connected s
LEFT JOIN service_github g ON s.service_github = g.id
LEFT JOIN service_zoom z ON s.service_zoom = z.id
LEFT JOIN service_jira j ON s.service_jira = j.id
LEFT JOIN service_docusign d ON s.service_docusign = d.id
LEFT JOIN service_asana a ON s.service_asana = a.id
LEFT JOIN service_google g ON s.service_google = g.id
('github' , COALESCE(g.auto_invite, false), s.service_github IS NOT NULL, false, COALESCE(g.last_synced, null), COALESCE(g.sync_status, null))
, ('zoom' , COALESCE(z.auto_invite, false), s.service_zoom IS NOT NULL, false, COALESCE(z.last_synced, null), COALESCE(z.sync_status, null))
, ('jira' , COALESCE(j.auto_invite, false), s.service_jira IS NOT NULL, false, COALESCE(j.last_synced, null), COALESCE(j.sync_status, null))
, ('docusign', COALESCE(d.auto_invite, false), s.service_docusign IS NOT NULL, false, COALESCE(d.last_synced, null), COALESCE(d.sync_status, null))
, ('asana' , COALESCE(a.auto_invite, false), s.service_asana IS NOT NULL, false, COALESCE(a.last_synced, null), COALESCE(a.sync_status, null))
, ('google' , COALESCE(g.auto_invite, false), s.service_google IS NOT NULL, true, COALESCE(g.last_synced, null), COALESCE(g.sync_status, null))
) result
WHERE s.workspace_id = _workspace_id;
Typically it's more convenient to return a set of rows than the awkward array of records you have now. But you seem to want one row for each service you join to - if a row is found in services_connected
expression in a LATERAL
subquery to pivot the single result row into a set of rows. See:
Plain SQL does the job. No need for PL/pgSQL here. See:
No need for a second function to nest the first. This single function does it all. I use the value derived from your custom setting request.jwt.claims
input. So you can call the function without parameter:
SELECT * FROM public.get_services_connected_for_workspace();
Or you can pass any bigint
to overrule the default:
SELECT * FROM public.get_services_connected_for_workspace(bigint '123');
I also use table aliases to shorten the code a lot and make it easier to read. Optional, but recommended.