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How can I load binary files in a Jasmine/Karma test?

I have an Angular project that parses binary files from user input. This makes unit testing difficult. I'd like to be able to include these files in my Jasmine/Karma tests which are run in a browser.

I have found that I am able to use Karma's files property to get these files included into Karma so they can be loaded.


files: [
    pattern: "sample-files/*.sbsong",
    watched: false,
    served: true,
    included: false,

Now I try to load this file into a test like this

it('should parse a binary file', () =>{
  const file  = require('/sample-files/song1.sbsong');
  const parsedFile = parser(file);

This generates an error, however it also confirms that the file path is correct and it sees the file

./sample-files/song1.sbsong:1:0 - Error: Module parse failed: Unexpected token (1:0)
You may need an appropriate loader to handle this file type, currently no loaders are configured to process this file.
(Source code omitted for this binary file)

This feels like it's so close, but how can I get karma or webpack to just give me the data of this file so I can pass it on to my parser for a unit test? Currently it seems to be trying to load these files as a javascript module, but I just want to get the raw file contents.


  • In the opensource project, I load an Excel file to be used in a Jasmine unit test defined inside excel-reader.spec.ts.

    To do so, I had to define the file inside karma.conf.js as follows:

    files: [
         pattern: 'src/app/shared/services/reader/excel/test.xlsx', 
         included: false, 
         watched: false, 
         served: true 

    The relevant function in excel-reader.spec.ts is loadExcelFile.

    async function loadExcelFile(): Promise<File> {
      const response = await fetch(EXCEL_FILE_URL);
      const blob = await response.blob();
      return new File([blob], 'test.xlsx');

    I think, a similar approach should also work in your case. If you don't need a file, simply let the function return the Blob.